1. Everyone walks very quickly.
Life is hard when you have little legs, especially in college when everyone seems to power walk everywhere. Gotta go, late for class!
2. No one cares what you wear.
High school was full of mornings spent worrying over what your classmates would think about your outfits. In college, leggings and a hoodie, a dress or a onesie are all perfectly acceptable options for class with no judgement.
3. College food isn’t as awful as people say it is, in fact, it’s really good!
Burgersand pizza and tacos, oh my! The food options in college are fantastic with tons of variety to fit lots of different food tastes!
 4. The "Freshman 15" is already a very real thing.
While some may say that the "Freshman 15" is a myth, it can be very, very real if you're not careful. Meal plans make it so easy to overeat and find yourself a little bit...larger...than before.
 5. It’s very strange to be on your own for probably the first time, but it’s a super cool experience.
For most, this is the first time that they've lived away from home for more than maybe a week or two at summer camp. The feeling is very weird but so liberating to finally feel like an adult--taking care of yourself, not having to tell your parents where you're going and making your own schedule, free from the constraints of high school life.
6. Getting involved is a must, whether it’s through sports, becoming a part of Greek life or through on-campus clubs and organizations.
The one piece of advice that everyone will give you as you start college is, "get involved," they're absolutely right! Getting involved with sports, rushing a sorority/fraternity or joining something like the salsa club or the waterski club can make a world of difference in your college experience. With so much free time, it can get boring without any activities in your life!
7. Some of the people you meet in the first week are ones you can already tell will be by your side for the next four years, or even the rest of your life.
You know those people who just get you? You meet such a huge variety of people in college but some of the people you meet just instantly click with you and suddenly you're inseparable. These are the people that will be in your wedding one day, be at your first housewarming party and will travel the country with you when you're retired.
8. Contrary to popular belief, college professors can actually be super cool!
The common myth is that college professors are terrible and will not talk to their students. However, this doesn't seem to always be true! Professors actually seem to be super cool--totally willing to talk to their students and help them out, making jokes in class and showing funny Youtube videos.
9. You’re always tired. Always.
Even if you're not doing much, college is just so exhausting--socializing, going to that 1:00 p.m. class, getting out of bed to get lunch, it's all just so tiring, no matter how much sleep you get.
10. If you don’t have good time management skills, you’re in for a rough ride.
With so much spare time, it's so easy to procrastinate and go have fun, like going to the beach or into the city to explore. Learning to have fantastic time management skills is definitely going to be rough but will be great in the long run! If not, college might not go so well.
11. Anything is fun if you’re with the right people, even doing laundry!
You know those people who just make everything fun? Yeah, find some of those people and keep them close. With them by your side, whether it's doing laundry, going out for tacos, cleaning your dorm room, walking to class or having a study session, it can all still be a blast!
12. College is a great opportunity to express yourself and become the person you want to be!
College is a new start and it's a great time to learn more about yourself, explore, meet people outside of your comfort zone and just be the person that you've always wanted to be! Time to make that happen! Go have fun and enjoy life!