Politics is not usually a topic that I intend to discuss on this platform. I like to keep my views private, because they are MY views and I do not want to be subjected to the hate and criticism some people receive when they voice their opinions. That being said, in recent weeks, I have been not only disgusted but appalled at the remarks made toward women.
I, as a woman myself, don't consider myself a feminist of any sort. Do I believe that women should have the same rights as men? Of course. Do I think women are superior to men? Debatable (Just kidding). Do I constantly side with women every chance I get? Absolutely not. There are many things I disagree with such as the women's right to choose. Yet, I don't under any circumstances believe that women should be subjected to the vulgar things being said by our presidential candidate, Donald Trump.
Many Trump supporters can sit there and say "that was said 20 years ago" and "you don't think guys today say that?". Here is the bottom line: None of that matters. What matters to me is that it was said. I don't care if it was said in the prehistoric ages or in the comfort of his home, it was said and it hurts. It not only hurts because I am a woman, but it hurts because people can actually sit there and defend his remarks. Donald Trump is supposed to be a man that not only potentially will lead our country but will influence the way people in our society act and think. Think about it for a second. Picture YOUR daughter coming home from school one day drenched in tears. You sit her down and ask her what is wrong. She responds that a boy in her class said the SAME (or similar) things, that Donald Trump has been quoted saying, to her. How do you respond? How can you look her in the face and say that you defended the potential president on saying these exact same things? Just picture it.
Many Trump supporters have also been quoted saying, "if this truly happened, why come out now? why would you have not come out years ago?" In response to those, let me ask you this. Are YOU saying there is a limitation to how long a women should be allowed to report this? Let me tell you, when those disgraceful things are said about you, that NEVER leaves you. Take this from a woman herself, having a man publicly criticize you for things that you are already insecure about is horrific. Put yourself in those women's shoes. A wealthy, well-known in the public eye, man tells you that you are FAT, or the other horrific things that were said. Now, every time you look in the mirror, those words circle your mind. How do you escape it? You never do. So to those supporters who question why they waited this long, shame on you. NEVER put a limitation on how long a women should have to report these things. Once the election is over, the media and hysteria will die down, but that woman will forever live on with those comments circling her mind every time she walks past a mirror.