Although Bubba's life was brief and our time together was short-lived, I will always remember him as a happy goldfish. The start of his life was rougher than most, but it made him strong. Bullied by the bigger fish in the tank, he never had it easy. The other fish beat him down continuously, but Bubba always got up again. Tragedy struck his life once again when his best friend, B. Richard, was killed in a gang fight. Bubba wasn't himself for a while after that fateful day. He didn't swim around in his normal circles around the tank, and he often frequented the corner of the tank. This was a hard stage in his life that many thought that he wouldn't make it through, but Bubba knew that his friend would wish him to continue. Days passed and Bubba continued to be beaten down by Goldy, the tank bully. However, Bubba's life found a silver lining; Goldy was taken away to another home. Bubba returned to his old self. His progression was slow, but he was a strong fish and he wasn't going to let anything bring him down. He swam in the same circles that he had before, but with more spirit. But we know that this unfortunately didn't last forever. Bubba fell sick, but he fought until the end. He wasn't going to go down without a fight, but his effort didn't win out in the end....
We will forever remember Bubba, not as the frightened fish in the corner or the sick floater, but as the strong and happy fish that swam in his spirited circles in his fish tank. We will remember him as the good friend that he was to B. Richard and the amazing pet goldfish that he was.
R.I.P. Bubba you will be missed.