Though his divisive presence pales in comparison to the current presidential candidates, President Barack Obama has definitely done his fair share of splitting actions over the past eight years. The political sphere can be a place of anger, fighting and disrespect. Especially with this incredibly dramatic election season, it can become hard to stomach.
Enter the White House Correspondence Dinner- the time of year where DJ Khaled can sit next to Arianna Huffington, and no one bats an eye.It may be my favorite government event. This was Obama's final attempt to be funny, and boy did he pull through.
For his speech, the lame duck President left no barres held, and went after the front-runners of both parties, himself, and many others. Here are his top jokes, in my humble opinion:
"You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better."
"Last week Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathrobe. That was a slap in the face"
(iIt's true, he did, but look how cute he is.)
"The last time I was this high, I was trying to decide on my major"
"They say Donald lacks the foreign policy experience to be President. But, in fairness he's spent years meeting with leaders from around the world. Miss Sweden, Miss Argentina, Miss Azerbaijan..."
"Next year at this time, someone else will be standing here in this very spot and It's anyone's guess who she will be."
"You've got to admit it, though, Hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for Facebook. Dear America, did you get my poke"
Long live the "chillary" snapchat
"Obama out" followed by a LITERAL ACTUAL MIC DROP.
Iconic. But are we surprised? Remember this?
I will miss this man. Whatever you can say about him, he sure knows how to laugh at himself and those around him. I also get to study abroad in Cuba because of him, so thank you, Obama. You will be missed.