10 Reasons Everyone Should Visit NYC During The Holidays | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Everyone Should Visit New York City During The Holidays

Visit the city that never sleeps.

Photo by picjumbo.com from Pexels

New York City, also known as the city that never sleeps, is one of the best places to visit during the holidays. Between the never-ending salvation army bells and the endless live performances, there is no place better than New York during the holidays.

1. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

There is no better way to cheer up the holidays then the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Sure it may be a little chilly outside, but grab a cup of Starbucks coffee, some hand warmers, and surround yourself with loved ones. The parade lasts around 40 minutes and has a few antique balloons (think 1924!) sprinkled in among the many modern-day characters and live performances.

2. Window Shopping.

Who doesn't love admiring the designers on 5th Avenue? Sure, many of the stores are way out of the average person's price range, but nothing compares to the glamorous decorations to advertise for the holiday spirit.

3. Black Friday. 

If you are ever feeling daredevil enough, try shopping Black Friday in New York City. The best place is the ninth floor Macy's on 34th street.

4. Endless Holiday Bakery Options.

One of the best things about being in the city is the endless food options to choose from. Many of the local dessert cafe's have Christmas specialties, and who doesn't love a wintery desert and flavored drink?

5. Admire the City View.

New York City at night is a beautiful experience, but have you ever seen it during the holiday season? Walk out on Times Square to see all of the city lights and endless winter advertisements to really put you in that holiday spirit.

6. Ice Skating On Rockefeller Center.

One of the best ways to spend your holiday is ice skating in Rockefeller Center. This is one of the busiest skating rinks in the world.

7. The Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting.

The Christmas Tree lighting is a beautiful ceremony that takes place the first week of December every year. With live celebrity performances and one of the nations largest celebrations of the year, the Rockefeller Tree lighting is one to attend.

8. Riding A Horse Carriage Through Central Park.

As cheesy as this one may sound, this is the perfect tradition to go on, especially if you are celebrating the holidays with a loved one.

9. Walking Through The Largest Macy's In the World.

Whether you're a shopaholic or someone who despises shopping, Macy's on 34th Street is a bucket list must. First off, the nine floors in the building takes up almost an entire avenue. This is one everyone should attend as the building looks extra spectacular when decorated for the holiday season.

10. Watching The Ball Drop on New Year's Eve.

One of the craziest experiences yet, many people camp out for over 12 hours just to watch the ball drop on Times Square.

Overall, there is no better time to be in New York City than during the holiday season. If you ever get the opportunity to visit, be ready to take it all in and seize the moment.

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