Textbooks cannot prepare for these lessons.
Always think about the positives
Optimism is crucial In the hospital. If a patient has even the slightest chance of surviving, you do everything you can to help them.
We need other people
We go throughout our lives with the feeling that we need to do everything on our own. But the truth is, we need other people and other people need us.
Small steps should not be overlooked
Small steps are progress too. You truly realize this when you're beside a patient and they have been comatose for weeks but they finally make the slightest movement on their own.
Loss builds empathy
I had a rotation on the Hospice floor of the hospital I was in. I saw so many families grieving the loss of their loved ones. I have become much more sensitive to people who are facing illness or loss.
Every day on earth is precious
You never know what day is going to be your last, so make the most of everyday.
Miracles do happen
People do get better. People survive even when the odds are placed against them.
Little things do matter
Sometimes even a simple smile or "good morning" can make someone's day. Whether it be a patient, nurse, or anyone else you never really know what someone is going through in the hospital.