All of us think our mom is the best and there is no one who can possibly compare. I’m here to say that my mom is absolutely the best mom and the fact that she is a nurse makes her just that much better. Nurse moms, in general, are superior- especially if you’re currently in nursing school.
1. They always know how much medicine you should take
I don’t even know the last time my mom looked at the bottle when I asked how much of something I should take. Nurses know drugs.
2. They talk you down when you Wed MD your symptoms
Yes, we all know we probably don’t have a brain tumor but in the moment, it is a very real possibility. Nurse Mom to the rescue. Nurse Mom has a comprehensive knowledge of like every disease ever. She’ll set you straight and she’ll know if you’re actually sick.
3. They keep everything so clean
Of course, moms want the house tidy but nurse moms know there are disgusting germs everywhere. Cleaning day means disinfecting every surface- including phones, computers, etc. which are good habits to keep with you through life.
4.When you are actually sick, they have tricks up their sleeves to make you feel better
Hot pack, cold pack, acupressure, what to eat, what to drink, nurses know it all.
5. Nothing is too gross for them
Dinner table conversations can get wild, let me tell ya.
6. They act as a translator for all the medical jargon spewing from the doctor’s mouth
Having a nurse mom while in nursing school is AWESOME and adds a whole other level of her already greatness. Nursing school is hard, no one makes a better mentor than your momma.
7.She understands the little victories
100% on your first nursing care plan? YES she is PROUD and shows all of her nursing friends how super smart her kid is.
8. She understands the importance of the color of your first stethoscope
Trust me. It's a BIG deal.
9. She’ll jump up and down with you when trying your clinical uniform on for the first time
Overall, moms rock. There are like a billion more reasons I could add to this article but I think moms get the point. They raised us to be the awesome humans we are today and love us through all of our stupidity. Even if you don’t agree that nurse moms are the best moms, I think we all can agree that moms are rockstars and we don’t know what we would do without them.
P.S. Don’t worry Dad, I love you too 😊