In just a few short days, I could be running away from the country of my birth, sort of like Cary Grant sprinting away from this plane...
And it has left me with a few important questions.
1) Can I have a cry party if Trump wins? Does anyone want to join me? I can't provide alcohol because I'll need all my pennies to leave before January 1st, 2017, but I have an apartment and candles.
2) Will I ugly cry with relief if Clinton wins?
3) Where will I go if Trump wins?
4) Did this election cycle give me mad anxiety about the ownership of my body? (Answer: Solid fucking yes)
5) Is my depression seasonal or is it electional? Is electional a term?
6) Why am I panicking? Maybe because this guy got more media attention than any real issues did...
7) When will everyone realize that America has been consistently bettering itself? We do not want America to be as it once was! America used to burn people it thought were witches, enslave an entire race, and elected presidents that destroyed the lives of Indigenous people. America isn't great yet, but it could be. America definitely wasn't great. Stop insinuating that going back in time would make America better. It would not. Please shut up. Or as Snape would have it...
8) I just want this whole damn thing to be over with already. I feel like everyday has been a never ending marathon of a reality tv show. And I hate reality tv. I gorram hate it. Give me sci-fi or comedies any day.
9) Hopefully, there is a next time I post and it will be about meaningful things and not about this freaking election. If not, well, my sincerest of apologies for being lamer than a llama and...