Between high school and the beginning of your college career, a lot needs thought on. There is also a lot of expectations from those around you. The only thing that truly matters is what will make you happy. What do you want to do?
I for one, am waiting a year to go to college. Trust me, I thought I had it all figured out. Different high school courses made me change my mind. I can't decide between three potential life (career) paths. Like I said I thought I knew what I wanted for a long time, but I was introduced to bigger, different perspectives.
No, You do not need to have everything set. You are young, if you're either entering adult hood or a young adult. Plenty of kids dive in to college undecided and that's okay. Plenty of people change their major, that's also okay. You make your own decisions. If your mind changes multiple times, who is to judge you? It's your future, make it worth your while. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be doing something I truly enjoy in life rather than being miserable somewhere that isn't me.
If you don't even see yourself going to college, there is other options for your future. Some people are just set on the family life, nothing wrong with that. Undecided if you want to go into the military or not? Think about. If you are interested in something even if in a small amount, look into whatever it is, you may change your mind.
Whatever it is, you should take the time to think about, take notes on, review things, for what you want in your future. No matter what you have time. This is your life. Your the one that has to deal with your decisions. Make it worth your while. Don't let people's "You don't know what you're doing yet?!", "You're halfway through hs senior year, what're you doing!", "You changed your major?!" hold you back, you do what you got to do. Take your time.