Well, let's see. It's not even a week into my second semester and my brain has already threatened me with a breakdown. Sometimes school, work, and life in general can really put you in a bad place mentally. I can't tell you how many times I have broken down over something little, just due to the timing and how overwhelmed I felt. I've spent many nights crying over homework because I have been so frustrated with trying to understand the formula or finish reading that dull book. I'm sure it happens to most of us at one point or another. And if I have learned anything, it is to take a step back. It is okay to walk away from things for a bit. After struggling through a really hard class today and filling in my planner, I was ready to curl up in bed and cry for the rest of the night. But I have a workout group that I knew I shouldn't miss. Part of me kept saying that I needed to get a head start on my Microbiology chapters or I'd fail, but somehow I managed to get into my workout gear and make it to training. And let me tell you, that was the best thing I could of done. I didn't think about class, due dates, tests, homework, or professors for that entire hour. I left training feeling refreshed (well as refreshed as you can feel after sweating for an hour straight) and focused. But instead of getting right back to my books, I spent the night laughing and joking with friends. I know you think you need to cram 24/7 or pick up as many shifts at work as you can, but you just wear yourself out. And it is normal to feel overwhelmed when things start piling up or getting tiring. That's when you need to step back for a minute and do something for you. Go workout, hang out with friends, grab a bite to eat, take a nap, read part of a book you actually want to, or clean something. Life isn't a race. What would we be racing to? Our death? Don't spend your whole life overwhelmed. It is absolutely 100% acceptable to back off when you feel like crying. When frustration sets in, take a few deep breaths and go soak in the bath for a while. When due dates seem to keep piling up, go grab an ice cream with friends. One or two hours won't kill you. Learn when you have had enough and when to take a step back and just breathe.
And for when things do start to get super overwhelming and you need some calming words, just pray this:
"From the end of the Earth I call to you, when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I" Psalms 61:2
Thank Y'all,
A Gal Just Simply Living