I've always heard the phrase "forgive and forget". However, I tend to hold grudges more often than I would like to admit. I have gotten better at letting go of the small things and trying not to hold anything against anyone anymore. But, after a hard break-up, I didn't want to even attempt to follow that motto. I decided I would much rather feel angry and hurt than to forgive, especially since I knew he was never actually going to apologize. It was just easier to blame him for everything that happened in my life from that point on. All my bad moods and breakdowns were his fault. But where did that get me? I was left frustrated and mad while he was moving on with life and enjoying it. So why was I torturing myself anymore? That's when I finally started realizing what everyone had been telling me, forgive him for you, not for him. Don't give him the power to ruin you anymore. Don't let the thought of him or the sight of him make your blood boil anymore. Don't cry reading his old messages anymore. Forgive him and his stupid decisions and go live your life.
Now it does take time. It's something you have to decide to do every day for a while. You need to wake up each day and say to yourself "it's okay that he isn't a part of my life anymore, I am going to enjoy life without him". Some days are harder than others. Some days you have to remind yourself of this multiple times, like when you accidentally scroll past one of his social media posts or his favorite song comes on the radio. But it is a working process that you will get through. Let go of the anger every day and choose happiness in its place. Eventually, you won't have to fake it or choose it, it's automatic. I am still working on it each day. I have to pray about it regularly, asking God to help me choose forgiveness even when I feel weak. But we can do it.
So please, please choose forgiveness today. Don't live with hate and resentment bottled up inside anymore. He isn't worth it and he definitely doesn't deserve to be messing with your feelings anymore.
Thank Y'all,
A Gal Just Simply Living