Now Is The Time To Let Go Of One-Sided Relationships | The Odyssey Online
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Now Is The Time To Let Go Of One-Sided Relationships

Now's as great of time as any.

Now Is The Time To Let Go Of One-Sided Relationships

I'm sure you can find a Taylor Swift song that explains why one sided relationships are terrible, but if you're like me and you can't stomach her voice, read this instead!

It's 2017, sure America just elected the worst possible/under-qualified specimen to be president, BUT I think it's finally time that people of both genders start to realize that they do not have to put time in a relationship that is just one sided.

THIS MEANS!!!!!! If you're talking to someone and they don't ask you to do things, LITERALLY ANYTHING, get a coffee, get breakfast, go for a walk, stay in and watch a movie, stare at each other from a distance, basically anything, OR they never text/call you first, drop them. It's the perfect time to learn that you're better than being in a relationship where you're the only one putting in any effort.

Being alone is scary, but it's better than being under appreciated. There are such things as one sided friendships, as well as one sided relationships and those are just as toxic. Being the only one to put in any amount of effort is draining and tiring and it makes you feel like the other person doesn't care, and that's probably because they don't, or they care, but not as much as you do.

You owe it to yourself to let go. You're better than not being appreciated. I don't care who you are, but feeling like you're not good enough for someone, or feeling like someone doesn't care enough about you to reach out to you first is a terrible, terrible feeling, and I don't understand why someone would continuously put themselves in a situation like that, actually, yes I do. There's always this thought that this person could change their mind one day. That one day you're going to wake up and there's going to be a "good morning, beautiful" text on your phone from the person you've been waiting to receive one from for five-ever, but the probability of that happening is slim and thinking about it never happening hurts, a lot. So, you stay in your little over-romanticized head and think, "if I try enough for the two of us, this is going to work," but once you've even thought that sentence, it's never going to. You owe it to yourself to let that person go. By doing this, you're allowing yourself time to find someone who is genuinely going to care about you enough to show it, and you're allowing your other person the ability to go find someone they genuinely care about, which SUCKS thinking about, but just because they didn't find happiness with you, doesn't mean they don't deserve to find happiness at all.

Now is your chance to be truly happy. Once you let go of all the one sided relationships in your life, it's amazing how much more confident you will feel. You will no longer feel as worthless, or as insufficient, or as inadequate. Getting rid of people who take you for granted can help you blossom into an incredibly strong, independent person who doesn't feel like their happiness has to come from receiving a "good night" or a "good morning" from someone who frankly doesn't care enough. Your self worth doesn't come from another person's appreciation of you, it comes from you appreciating yourself. The person whose texts you're waiting for probably doesn't even really know you're waiting for them, so drop them and move on with your life, because now is as good of time as any.

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