With the recent, tragic, events that occurred at the Ariana Grande concert it is important to take a step back and realize the world that we live in.
Innocent children, young adults, and their families, went to see a concert for an artist that they love, in what was supposed to be a safe environment, and 19 of those people were tragically taken, 50 more of them were severely injured. Things like this, horrible, cowardly, acts make you not want to leave the house, they make your fear motivate you to stay inside, with those you love, and try and be safe from all of this.
But at the end of the day in a world where terrorism is so high, no one, anywhere is safe. However, at the same time, hiding away is not the way to defeat the problem, it isn’t the way to live, it is letting those cowardly terrorists win.
The only way for terrorism to somehow come to a stop, is for all of us, around the world, to come together and fight against those who breed hate.
Now is the time, American or foreign, black or white, Democrat or Republican, etc, to come together, to spread love, and to defeat those who spread anything other than that. Now is the time to forget the differences you have with your neighbor over politics, or gossip, or anything else, and to look at that person, and know they are here, they matter, and they can help fight against the negativity.
It can start with something as simple as a prayer, and if you’re not a religious person, it can start with something as simple as a Facebook post, or whatever it is that you think will somehow make a difference.
Someday, maybe many years from now, we will live in a world where children don't have to be afraid to go to concerts, people can run marathons, and you can walk the streets of your city without a truck coming at you, just to kill you. One day that day will come, and love will overcome hate, and the world will be a little safer then it was yesterday.
Until then, we can hope for that day, we can try and love one another and forget the differences we each have, while working towards a better tomorrow.
Love breeds love, and now is the time for us to spread it.