I am definitely not the same person that I was ten years ago. In fact, I’m not even the same person that I was a year ago. But, it is surprising how much (or little) I have changed in the past decade (dang, I’m old). Listed down below are five topics that I think exemplify my journey from a bratty 10-year-old to a slightly less bratty 20-year-old.
1.What I want to be when I grow up:
10-year-old me: If I’m not an olympic swimmer, then I’m definitely going to be a famous author. Maybe I can be both!
Now: Employed.
2. What I want to eat:
10-year-old me: Mac N Cheese
Now: Mac N Cheese
3. Thoughts on school:
10-year-old me: WHEN AM I DONE?
Now: Please let me stay longer. I beg you please don’t send me out into the real world.
4. Thoughts on adults:
10-year-old me: Anybody over the age of 18 is an adult, right?
Now: lol I’m not an actual Adult™. I am the off-brand version of a real Adult™. I am the “Honey Nut Spins" to an actual Adult's™ “Cheerios”. Move along now, nothing to see here. There’s definitely not an Adult™ here.
5. Thoughts on marriage:
10-year-old me: Definitely not really early. Maybe when I’m like 25 or something.
Now: Nah.