Whether you voted for him or not, Trump was elected president and no amount of complaining is going to change that. Yes, there is the freedom of speech and you have every right to speak your opinion and your mind, but condemning the man who now has the weight of the country on his shoulders and those who voted for him does not make you the bigger person (neither does gloating that Trump won). So he may not be who you wanted to win; everyone has an opinion of him whether it's nice or not, but hey, he may pleasantly surprise you with his time in office and he may not. But we don't know how these next four, maybe eight, years will turn out. So instead of jumping the gun and saying that America has gone to Hell, try having faith. You don't know God's plan--none of us do--but He has a plan. The world is not ending just because we have a new president who happens to be Donald Trump.
That all being said, I'm not trying to change your views or alter your opinions; they're yours and you can keep them. Just be mindful of what you say and how you say it, not only over the next couple weeks/months, but also over the course of your life. As I'm sure we all can attest, words hurt. Be careful how you use them.