Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible Is Now Available As An NFT - “Chakraverse” | The Odyssey Online
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Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible Is Now Available As An NFT - “Chakraverse”


Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible Is Now Available As An NFT - “Chakraverse”

NFTs are becoming more popular with the passage of time. Significantly, it has attracted almost everyone’s attention, including artists, firms, businesses, and other digital creators. With the upsurge in the popularity of NFTs, many works are converted into digital assets which have been sold/bought. One such amazing collection is Chakraverse NFT, which is yet to be dropped. Have you not been aware of what it is all about? Read on this blog to find out.

Who Is Stan Lee? What Chakra The Invincible Is About?

Hopefully, you know who Stan Lee is. He is a comic writer well known for his work with Marvel. He is also an editor, publisher, and producer. He is the co-creator of popular characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, X-Men, Ant-Man, Thor, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Wasp, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Daredevil, Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch. Noticeably, he is also the co-creator of “Chakra The Invincible.”

Chakra The Invincible was first released as a novel in 2011. And, it was released as a series in 2013, produced by POW Entertainment and Graphic India. The Chakra plot revolves around Raju Rai, a tech genius who resides in Mumbai, India. He, along with his mentor Dr.Singh, a genius scientist, creates a tech suit that will actuate the chakras in the human body. Moreover, Raju Rai, with his superpowers, will protect Mumbai, battling super-villains.

How Is Chakra Relatable With NFT?

Let’s begin by knowing what NFT is about in a brief note. NFT is an abbreviation for Non-Fungible Tokens, which seems to be unique as well as non-interchangeable. When someone sells NFTs, the buyer would never have copyright or legal issues. In this sense, the buyer will receive the ownership of the NFT which they have bought.

Impartial, anything in the real-world objects can be turned into NFTs. Like, arts, music, sports moments, game items, and many more. Why can’t comic characters?

Some might be unaware of the Chakra character as it hasn’t launched as a movie. To bring this character to global notice, Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible is converted as an NFT - Chakraverse.

Chakraverse To Be Launched This December

As we are talking about NFTs, let me say the before NFT happenings this year which has caught the attention of NFT enthusiasts.

Have you heard about Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan’s NFT collection, which was rolled out by BeyondLife.Club? Probably yes, his collections were actually sold for nearly about USD 966,000 (7.18 crore approximately). It was actually a talk of the town.

Coming to the next one, which is yet to be rolled out. Yes, it is the Chakraverse NFT collection. It is set to be launched by BeyondLife.Club (powered by is teaming up with Orange Comet.

Substantially, NFT enthusiasts and Stan Lee fans are more eagerly waiting for these NFT drops, for which the auction is to be live on December 28. Are you the one who is keen on knowing the Chakraverse NFT collections? In the upcoming section, let us briefly know the exclusive collections.

Chakra The Invincible NFTs

As Chakra The Invincible NFTs are to be soon available for auction, the following is what the collection includes.

  • Chakra Artpunks Loot Box consists of 6865 unique NFTs (Collection of generative Chakra)
  • Chakra Artpunks (A exclusive collection of characters from Chakra comics)
  • Animated Living Comic Book Cover
  • Comic Book Covers (First page of Chakra’s comic book)
  • Seven Chakra’s Powers
  • Animated NFT videos
  • Stan Lee b’day special (Honoring the legendary creator)

To know more about the exclusive collection of Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible, check out.


Though NFTs have been in existence for a long time, it has become a trending topic in recent years. Despite this, NFT will have a positive impact on the global market in the upcoming years. Whatever the type of NFT it is, the enthusiasts would always look forward to having it. As we are in the budding stages of the growth of NFT, it will thrive more in the days coming forward. Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible NFTs would be a paradigm.

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