As a self-made coffee connoisseur, it is not only my job to have a minimum of one cup of coffee per day but to also try out different types of coffee. I have a really great coffee shop three blocks down from my building and being so close to getting freshly brewed coffee at any time of day has allowed me to enter this new realm of the coffee world. And because of this, compared to where I was at the beginning of my freshman year, I have definitely grown out of my "only iced coffee" phase- kind of. Below are a variety of different types of coffee you could try and where to order it. Feel free to pick one out the next time you're in for something different at your local coffee shop.
P.s. I no longer drink milk so some of these drinks will be substituted with soymilk but I assure you it still tastes really great. I definitely recommend it for those who haven't tried it.
Iced or Hot Flat White
Blonde Iced Soy Latte
Iced Coffee (soymilk, no sweetener)
Blonde Espresso
My Local Coffee Shop:
If you're in the Richmond area there are a plethora of incredibly cool coffee shops around. Because I live on campus, the ones closest to me are Alchemy Coffee and Lamplighter. These two locations are my go-to for awesome tasting coffee. Like I said above, I've really ventured out in trying new types of coffee and since shopping local, I've been able to expand my palette. My morning commute usually includes one of the drinks below...
Cafe Au Lait
Drip Batch
Iced Latte
I will never turn down a quality iced coffee but sometimes venturing out of your usual order isn't that bad. I recommend it for those trying to get more into coffee and all its magic. I hope these few suggestions could help you get you started! Happy tasting and remember to shop local!