In the midst of the conflict going on in our country, let's not forget that it is officially Christmas season. As soon as the clock struck 12:01 on November first, jingle bells rang in the distance while Halloween decorations were removed. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, this is still a time to be compassionate and loving towards others while enjoying the chilly weather with a cup of hot cocoa. Here are some fun ideas to get you in the friendly and exciting spirit of the winter season:
1. Go Ice Skating
Nothing brings people together more than laughing with each other as you fall. Friends who wipe out together, stay together.
2. Decorate Gingerbread Houses
Fun is getting to play with your food in a socially acceptable setting.
3. Shop Till You Drop
The holiday season brings some pretty great sales! You can even shop from the comfort of your own home. Tis the season of giving! However, you don't need to spend to give, try volunteering for the less fortunate.
4. Order Starbucks Holiday Drinks
Trade those plain white cups for the notorious red cups! Don't forget to get a puppuccino for your BFF.
5. Build a Snowman
If you live in the Midwest, snow is a beautiful (and chilly) addition to the holiday season. Grab some mittens and go out there and re-live your childhood. You're never too old!
6. EAT
Break out your sweatpants and enjoy a home-cooked meal made by your family. Hide the scale and curl up on the couch with a cookie!
7. Have Fun with Family and Friends
Above all, this is a season of friendship, love, and compassion. We all want the best for our loved ones and peers. Don't be afraid to talk to new people. You never know, you could end up making a stranger's day so much better with a quick "Happy Holidays!"