When your best friend of eight years leaves Menlo Park to pursue her dreams of joining the fashion industry and becomes an Assistant Stylist in less than 6 months. I am so incredibly proud of this woman and need the world to see just how magical she is.
How did you get into fashion?
Tashie at Lady Gaga Concert, 2010
Caroline Donahue
I got into fashion as a kid- when I was 14 I joined a fashion program for high school students as Nordstrom. I then began working retail there seasonally throughout the beginning of my high career. Later on, I worked retail at American Apparel and then All Saints. I was hopping from one retail job to another- it was the easiest way I could work with clothes at such a young age. I finally left retail and moved to NYC to pursue a career in fashion beyond retail; long story short I now work as a stylists assistant and have assisted on jobs from People Magazine and Walt Disney.
How did you develop your own personal style?
A true Icon
philip gajczyk
I'm not sure if I have developed a specific style, I guess that is my personal style in itself. Ever evolving with my age, interests, and environment. Right now I am loving playing with color and texture, as trends are fading faster than ever due to social media; those are characteristics**** in fashion that while being timeless and ever lasting, but can still modern and 'trendy' depending on the styling.
Who are your fashion icons?
Can anyone say Kehlani VIBES?!
My fashion icons are FKA Twigs, Solange Tracee Ellis Ross, and Kehlani. It's important to note that every one of these celebrities have stylists- so I'm not sure if I should be giving them ALL the credit, but I think they all have great taste and a very specifically curated but still fun / playful sense of style.
(FKA Twigs-Karen Clarkson, solange- Shiona Turini, Tracee Ellis Ross- Karla Welch, Kehlani- Danasia Sutton)
What has your best moment in the industry been so far?
My best moment in my career so far has definitely been meeting and working with one of my favorite actresses, Mariska Hargitay. If you know me at all you'll know SVU is one of my favorite shows ever, so it was all pretty surreal.
What are your goals for your future in fashion?
Styled by Natasha Bock, Modeled by Romana Wang
Chris Riley
Short term, a goal of mine is to test shoot more to build my book/styling portfolio with quality photos and concepts im really proud of. This would also get me started of a long term goal of mine, which is exploring different career paths. Through testing, I've had a chance to try out and enjoy a lot of the other stages of editorial shoots, such as props, creative/art direction, and casting. Another more short term goal of mine would be trying out working full time assisting for a company, for editorial/campaigns/e-commerce shoots.
How do you use fashion to influence others?
Styled by Natasha Bock, Modeled by Romana Wang
Chris Rilley
I use fashion to inspire others to just relax and have fun. Life can't be so serious all the time! People get so caught up in what other people think/how society perceives them they neglect their own individuality. I dress the way I do simply because I want to have fun.
While styling, however, while I want my pictures to be fun, I also want them to be beautiful and classic. I think that is what I strive for in my styling- equal amounts playfulness and timelessness. That's a key word for me- 'timeless'. It's an obviously important factor**** of art, to leave a lasting impression that can inspire the masses.I want to tell a story through creating graceful, aesthetically pleasing images, while still being thought provoking and experimental. That's another goal of mine, so start experimenting with different concepts and mediums of art and intertwining this variety of art forms with fashion / my own personal style. I want others to feel comfortable truly expressing themselves through fashion, as a creative outlet/ art.