If you live in Michigan than you probably have noticed that you are paying more at the pump these past few days. This hike in gasoline prices has nothing to do with conflict over oil or corruption in the gasoline industry. This increase is thanks to Gov. Rick Snyder and the law he signed in 2016 which adds an additional 7 cents per gallon of gas when filling up your car's tank.
This new gas tax puts the Michigan gas tax at a total of 26 cents per gallon, which is one of the highest in the nation. The only states with higher gas taxes are Pennsylvania, Washington, Hawaii, New York, and New Jersey. This is the first gas tax increase that Michigan has had in over 20 years.
While your wallet might be a little thinner after going to the gas station, this new tax is expected to bring $450 million dollars to the state. Michigan is going to use this to invest in the roads and bridges, which desperately need repairs and improvements. In fact, this will be the largest investment that the state of Michigan has made to the roadways in over 50 years.
Although my fellow Michiganders and I will not appreciate paying more to fill up our cars, I think that we are all in agreement that our roads need a facelift more than any other state. As the state that is home to the Motor Capital of the world, we should have roadways that reflect our reputation. Currently when you are driving in Michigan you feel like you are playing Mario Kart and dodging potholes like they are Koopa Shells and Bananas. When you are driving on the highway at night it feels like when playing Mario Kart and an opponent releases a Blooper filling the screen with black bloopingness, you can't seen anything because there are no lights, but you are still trying to dodge potholes and animals while staying on the road.
Michigan will get first prize in the Grand Prix if this gas tax increase results in new, smooth roads, improved bridges, and more lighting on highways.