There are different points in time that we live in within our minds. The past has all ready happened as we know, so it does not exist anymore. The future hasn't even happened yet. The past has had somewhat of an impact on you. There are scars on your soul from bad or traumatic experiences, there are lessons you have learned whether it was a good lesson or a bad one, good experiences you have had, and knowledge you have gained. All of these play a part into who you are today in some way or another. The future has not even happened yet, so there is no need to worry about it. What truly matters now is the present. The present is what is going on at this exact moment. Each passing present moment becomes the past. It is time to start training the mind to live in the present. Not the past, or the future.
To train your mind to live in the present, you have to start noticing the moment. Be mindful of your current thoughts, where your mind wanders, how you feel at the current moment, how you feel when your mind wanders, and notice the vibe you are bringing into the current moment. Some of you may think that is easy, but it is tougher than you think, some of you may think it is dumb to think about or a bit strange to think that way. It is worth your mind power and energy to start training yourself now. Close your eyes and take a deep breathe in and breathe out. Begin asking yourself these questions all while taking deep breathes with your eyes closed. Where is your mind at? How do you feel and what are you thinking about? Why are you thinking about that and why do you feel that way? Now ask if that moment really exists or still exists. Is it in the past or is it in the future? If it is in the past then what hold does it have on you and why? How will you become a deeper version of yourself? By that I mean whatever version of yourself you are now, there is another version of yourself further down the pathway. You just have to be willing to keep walking. Now ask yourself why you cannot live in the moment that is happening now? What is your answer? The present is all that exists right now. The past and future only exist in your thoughts.
Now, I am not saying thinking about the past and future is all bad. The past can also be somewhat beneficial for the same reasons it could be horrible. It is up to you to decide what you will do with what you have been through and what you have learned from the past. You can let it make you strong and use it to make the world a better place, or you can let it break you and control you the the point that you are hateful. You will just bring negative energy into the world that has enough negative energy as it is. Do you really want to hurt others because of the hurt you have been through? Does that sound fair or right to you? How did you feel when you were hurt in that way? The future is where your goals lie. Figure out what you want and make that future happen.
Live in the present moment and go for what you want.