People nowadays want relationships. If you're not dating someone, then you're assumed to be lonely and depressed. You feel obligated to be with someone simply to say that you're not alone. Well, let me tell you a secret. It's all a lie. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being on your own. In fact, sometimes it's the best thing you can do for yourself! Allow me to explain.
After a hard relationship or a rough break up, your emotional state might be a bit low. Depending on the relationship, your self-esteem might be lacking as well. Being on your own and single is a great way to help get yourself back to being the best you can be. First and foremost, you must be happy with yourself before you can be happy with anyone else. This means being able to be content on your own. How do you expect to make someone else happy when you yourself aren't happy? You can't.
One of the best tips I can give to anyone, male or female, is this. Date yourself. After a hard relationship where things end suddenly and/or harshly, the best thing to do for yourself is to just date yourself. Now, what do I mean by that? I mean, take yourself on dates. Dress up, make yourself feel good, treat yourself nicely, and above all, take care of yourself. When in a relationship you do cool things for the other person. You take them out to eat, give them foot massages, and things like that. When you date yourself, do those things for yourself! It will make you feel good and help restore yourself to who you are.
When you are able to be yourself and be happy on your own, the whole world opens up before you. Suddenly you can do what you want without worrying about someone else. That cute guy that you've been eyeing for a few weeks? You can totally flirt with him now! If you want to go do something that your previous partner might not have been okay with, you can do it now! You're free to make so many choices and do so much! Your weekends don't have to be spent stressing over whether their parents like you or not. They can now be spent binge watching your favorite shows with a bag of chips and a pizza that has all your favorite toppings.
I once dated someone who was deathly allergic to cinnamon and rosemary. I love those two spices so much! I had to avoid them completely or else risk his life. It really sucked. As soon as we split, though, I think the first thing I did (besides spend an entire week or more crying) was take an entire day to myself. I took a spa bath, made the most delicious snickerdoodle cookies I'd ever made, and listened to angry break -up music. It was the best time ever! The greatest part was that I had the freedom to do that without fear of accidentally killing or offending my partner.
Being single sucks for sure, but it can be the greatest experience of your life if you live it up right. Just treat yourself right, and do everything that will make you the best and most happy person in the world. Once you've got that down, you'll see the beauty in living by your own rules.