While society has come a long way in fighting the stigma surrounding mental health, we still have a ways to go. People with a mental illness are often expected to just "get over it", but that simply is not how it works. Going to therapy doesn't necessarily mean there's something "wrong" with you, it just means you need a little extra support to live your best possible life, and that's okay. Here are three reasons there's nothing shameful about seeking mental health treatment:
1. Mental health services wouldn't exist if no one was using them. Therefore, you are not alone.
This one may seem obvious, but can be easy to forget. There wouldn't be therapists and rehabilitation centers if no one was using these services. Think about how many thousands of mental health professionals there are in the United States, and think about how many people that must mean are seeking mental health treatment. A lot.
2. It's admirable to want to better yourself and your life.
Seeking professional help for mental health issues does not make you weak because there's "something wrong with you" or because you "can't do it on your own". Recognizing steps that may lead to a better tomorrow and then deciding to take those steps is laudable. We are living the only life we will ever have; why would we not do as much as possible to make it the best it can possibly be?
3. It can inspire someone else to do the same.
Deciding you want professional assistance with a mental health problem does not make you weak.. in fact, it makes you strong. The first step is often the scariest, but committing to working towards being your best, happiest self is worth every step it takes.