Being in college has opened up my world to a whole new world of music, and most recently I was introduced to an artist named Nothing, Nowhere.
A good friend of mine asked me to sit with her and listen to the live-streamed release of his new album "Trauma Factory" that came out on February 18th and I am officially OBSESSED. This man did not have to go as hard as he did on his new album, but he really did that sh*t. If you're looking for some new music to vibe to, then this album is for you. It's got everything- sexy songs, sad songs, angry songs, and even an attention-grabbing introduction track, so there's really no good reason not to listen to it.
Listening to Trauma Factory is like listening to poetry... except that the poet knows all of the bad things that have ever happened to you... and then that poet also decided to write an entire freaking album about it. It'll make you laugh; it'll make you cry, and it'll probably make you want to drive up to Vermont and live in a treehouse while working through all of your ~issues~. With 15 tracks to listen to, there is definitely a song for everyone, even for your most basic or pretentious of music friends. The album is available on most streaming platforms (Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube, and more) so accessibility and sharing shouldn't be an issue.
I'm honestly so happy that my friend asked me to listen to Trauma Factory with her, otherwise, I might have never found such an amazing artist. However, if you've listened to a few tracks from the album and decided that it's not your cup of tea, I would highly recommend checking out one of Nothing, Nowhere's earlier albums because they each have a very distinct sound. I've found that his older music appeals more to people who aren't fans of his newer work, so give it a shot before you make a snap decision about his music. I know you're probably not doing anything important right now anyway, so do yourself a favor and look up those tunes!
Is this article extremely biased? Hell yes.
However, I think it's fair to give someone credit when credit is due, and in this case, there is an extra-large amount of credit due to Joseph Edward Mulherin. The lyrics are beautifully written and raw, which is something that I think can ultimately make or break a song, and Joseph's delivery of them is just so dang beautiful. It's like he's trying to bare his soul while simultaneously peering into the hearts of his listeners. Maybe it's witchcraft, maybe he made a deal with the Devil, or maybe I'm just a sad college student who needed a new way to bring myself some serotonin, but whatever it is I just cannot stop listening to this album and I don't see myself stopping in the foreseeable future.