If you're a musician, you want to learn and know every song in existence so that you are able to play it on the spot. When you have gatherings at your house, everyone demands "play us a tune or two!" If you're not good on the spot, yogurt sheepish, if you are, you're so much more than ready to tackle this little gig. If you're a beginner, you'll soon find out that once you put one little thing about to us you playing an instrument, you will be known for it. Everyone and their mother will know. Also, get ready for the song requests. Even if you don't know two chords yet, you will have lists and lists. Because hey! Who doesn't want their personal musician or private concerts?
You're going to be attached to that musical instrument. You'll feel close to empty if you don't get to play it for a day. It will become your best friend and your therapy. Every time you learn something new, you'll fly out of the room and run to where your mom is saying "mom, mom mom! look what I learned," like you're a little kid again showing off something you accomplished at your day at school. It's a whole new and different learning experience that you'll want to tell everyone about. Something that helps you express yourself.
Teaching yourself is not all that easy. So finding a small local music school that fits your needs and schedule will make your new passion grow even more. The instructors and friends that you'll make will make this all you ever want to do in love. It connects you to people in a whole new and other way; you'd be surprised. Music brings out the better side in everything. It brings out every memory and every emotion. It does wonders, really.
Sometimes, the fact that your favorite songs and childhood songs can be played with that man-made instrument will seem unreal and you'll be more than excited to just learn it and jam out with the recording. You'll say to yourself "I'll just play for 20 minutes" when you could really play for 20 hours non-stop; it is just that addicting.
When you learn that new song you've been dying to master, it is something to be proud of because not everyone can play a stringed instrument like that. You will hear, "you can play a 3-4 minute song straight through and I can't even play jingle bells? I'm jealous, you've got a talent kid" about 5 times a year guaranteed.
When you go to your towns local music store or a Guitar Center and see all those instruments, you'll be in there for a few hours so cancel all your plans and get comfortable because you will not be able to keep your hands off of one item. Once you really get hooked, your life and plans will be revolving around that musical instrument. You wont care or be able to think about anything else during the day except being able to play your jams when you get home.