If you are eligible to vote in this year's election, you should absolutely do so. Even though you may think your one vote does not matter, it absolutely does. Many of us have this mentality and you can imagine how many people do not vote because of it and that's crazy! So please go out and vote, but first here are a few tips when considering your vote:
PLEASE do not base your vote on social media.
Look, if you haven't noticed yet that the media and people's opinions on Facebook are the most unreliable and biased sources you could ever come across, you need to do rethink your options.
I cannot stress this enough, please do not vote for a candidate without firmly knowing their stances on various important issues.
Do not allow someone to sway your opinions through bullying.
The amount of times I see literal threats on social media from individuals trying to convince a person to vote for a specific candidate is insane. Do not let a person like that sway your thinking. Stay strong in your belief whatever that may be.
Set an alarm for Election Day.
The worst thing you could do is forget to vote on time! So, set an alarm and be ready to go!
Think smart.
Truly think to yourself who would be the best person to put in office, and who has the most beliefs in common with you.
America, get out there and vote. Because no one else is going to do it for you.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It