Take a deep breath and relax. Everything is going to be OK.
Lately you have been feeling the need to make sure that everyone around you is happy and while doing so, you have stopped focusing on your own happiness without even realizing it. You have been carrying the burden of appearing perfect to others for so long that you have forgotten how to live a genuine life. You are fearful of not being liked by others so you stay quiet. In the classroom, you study your butt off in order to remain an A+ student because you want to make your family proud. You drop all of your plans to lend a hand to a friend in need. It feels like you are always giving and giving without wanting anything in return and I understand that this feeling is hard to control because I am a people pleaser myself.
As a people pleaser, you find yourself constantly over thinking everything! You make sure that your words or actions do not offend loved ones or peers. You read too far into messages from your friends. The thought of what someone thinks about you is always on your mind and pushes you to be someone that you aren’t. Personally, I understand the struggles that you are going through and it is exhausting! But, I have learned that in order to get out of this funk, you need to begin putting yourself first and learn that you cannot please everyone.
Learning how to put yourself first will be difficult. But, coming to terms with the fact that you cannot please everyone you meet will be even more of a challenge. At times, you may feel selfish for your actions. However, you need to understand that this is your life. No, I am not telling you to stop pleasing others completely. What I am saying is that some of the little things in your life are not worth worrying about late at night. Stop worrying what other people think. Trust me; everything is going to be fine. Keep an open heart, a full smile, and laughter in your soul. Focus on pleasing yourself first, and then please others.