One of my favorite compliments is when somebody says that I am just like my dad. He may be the easiest person to make fun of, being smaller in stature, having a goofy southern twang when he talks fast, and watching The Bachelor over Sports Center, but he is the best man I have met. Being like him may mean I can easily be picked on as well, however it means I am powerful in the most unconventional and steadfast ways.
So many father figures are pictured as distant and quiet beings when it comes to parenting. My dad is a contrast to that. He is bold in his love, passionate about everything he does, and strong in his arguments. I have never met a man who has loved so consistently and hard. No matter what it may be, from his many jobs to his kids, he has and never will be hesitant to love them with everything he has. Loving them with an action love that never fails to be contagious. Loving with the most genuine and endless love that can only be described as Christ-like. My dad is a strong pillar, one that loves on you and refuses to stop or fall no matter the weight that is pushed on it.
Everybody that knows my dad knows that he’ll show up. To a challenge, to an event, to things that you know he doesn’t want to be at. He’ll be there. Nobody does that these days, it is hard to find people who are reliable no matter the weather. In the littlest ways, my dad has been to every cheerleading competition, every volleyball practice, and every bump in the road. He was there when I got kicked out of Kids Nite Out and he was there when I went off to college.
In a bigger way, he has shown up for my sister. This may be a touchy subject, but my dad isn’t my sister’s biological father. However, my dad has done this crazy thing where he has defied stereotypes and blood and pursued a relationship with my sister that has blossomed into the most beautiful thing. A relationship that I wish I had (yes I am totally saying she is the favorite and yes I am totally still bitter about it). Watching my sister and dad interact-you wouldn’t see anything different than a father loving his daughter. He’s coached her softball teams, bought her countless dumb horse books, and never let anything stop him from loving her as his own. Right now, my sister could completely be dadless, but my dad has showed up passionately and purposefully in her life. I have never been more proud to call him my dad for this reason. It is an act that deserves more recognition. What a man. Loving Jaelyn without reservation and doing it so immediately. My dad shows up. He shows up boldly, without a second thought.
My dad is notorious for talking a situation to death. Honestly, I think I have died twice during one of his lectures on coming home late. But man, those lectures have thoroughly and substantially built upon the platform that I walk on today. Through these (I’m not kidding you five hour long) lectures, I have learned values that I will forever hold on to.
My dad has taught me the core value that I live my life upon, and that is the effort that I put into anything in more important than the outcome. Being his cute hipster self and going against society, my dad always pushed my to go against the thought process of looking towards the end result of getting good grades or reaching a certain glamorous status, and always pushed me to focus on the process of getting there. Without a burning love for the practice and process of achievement, I would be nowhere near where I am today. The grind is incredibly hard, but associating love with the treacherous work, is the smartest thing my dad has taught me.
Before anything else, my dad is a leader. He pursues people, always wanting the best for them and doing whatever it takes to help them get there. Every day I have been reminded to “be a leader, now” and that “attitude reflects leadership, captain.” Words that stand tall (taller than him;)) and have built me into the best kind of woman I can be; a leader. Through empowerment of others, pursuit to look for the best in others and remaining true to myself, I continue to carry on the leadership legacy that my father has so prominently lived throughout his life.
Nothing about my life has been conventional. However, my dad has shown my what a blessing that can be. “A flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” Following the lead and standards of others, taking the easy way out, falling at the feet of difficulties, have never been an option for me. In my dad’s eyes, I am that flower that can thoroughly overcome anything that comes my way, and that fact alone is a power that not everybody has. Because of the unconventionality of my life, I have deep roots and have bloomed in a new light. Thus adding substance and perspective to my life. All of this, my dad has engraved in my mind through countless tear jerking car rides that have fully made me a more successful person. Something that I am so incredibly grateful for.
My favorite thing about my dad is the fact that he has taught me all of this with the wittiest of words and the strongest sense of humor. My dad beats out Amy Schumer, Chris D’Elia, and Nick Offerman any day. He is without a doubt the most hilarious person I have ever met. Without his humor illuminating these lessons, I would have certainly not loved them as much.
I suppose what I am trying to say is that I understand why all the ladies and half the guys want my dad. He is so profoundly wonderful.
I am so incredibly blessed that I have been provided with this bold and positive legacy to always admire and carry on.
He is a man of very, very many words.
He is a man filled with doritos and fried bologna sandwiches.
He is a man that deserves the last rose.
He is a man who rapped “Wasn’t Me” by Shaggy to put me to sleep.
He is the cheer dad that every girl wants.
He is the best man I have ever met.
He is my dad.