50 "Un-Lady Like" Things Women Have Been Told They Can't Do
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50 "Un-Lady Like" Things Women Have Been Told They Can't Do

Because some things are only for men, apparently.

50 "Un-Lady Like" Things Women Have Been Told They Can't Do
Morgan Mills

As a woman there are a few things I've been told I can't do and that I need a man to do them for me or I can't do something without a man because it's their job or responsibility or that it isn't ladylike to do something. So here are a few things women apparently can't do since it's apparently for men only.

1. Pump gas

According to a Facebook User women aren't allowed to do this when a man is present.

-"Once, after I denied a man his right to pump my gas, he got violent and the store clerk had to remove him. It's not a compliment or a nice thing to do - it's degrading and rude." - Sarah Waller

2. Make the first move

-Halie Ransom & Kelly Brown

3. Protect herself

-Halie Ransom

4. Build something

-Emily Beeman, Kristin Finnicum

5. Fix a flat tire

6. Mow the lawn

-Kristin Finnicum, Sarah Waller

7. Propose

-Abigail Calzada

8. Pay my bills

9. Pay for dinner/date

-Halie Ransom, Allie Marx, Skylar Laughlin, Briana Gil & Sarah Waller

-"Ugh. I always try to pick up my tab. I've had one too many guys get mad at me. After the third date, if I'm not feeling it, I thank them for their time and move on. If they have even paid for a whataburger, the guy usually gets mad that I used him for his money. I never thought I'd have to explain to men that I'm not an escort for fast food"- Sarah Waller

10. Be able to weld

-Abigail Johnson

"I took a welding course and got a lot of shit for it. Now I can do three different types of welding"-Abigail Johnson

11. Bring protection

This one is both sexes responsibility, but also as a sexually active person, a woman should make sure she has a condom or any form of protection with her because even though a man should bring a condom it's safer to have two than zero.

12. Voice my opinion

-Skylar Laughlin

13. Do certain chores

-Skylar Laughlin, Kristin Finnicum

14. Use the grill

15. Negotiate a raise

-Jessie Solkey

16. Speak in church // be a minister

-Tori Forney

17. Negotiate a promotion at a current job

-Jessi Solkey

18. Be assertive

-Jessie Solkey

19. Play baseball//football

-Jamie King

20. Be tough

21. Manual labor

-Jamie King

22. Change the oil in my car

-Catherine Ferrell

23. Hell, be able to fix a car

-Catherine Ferrell

24. Lift heavy furniture

-Sarah Waller

25. Take out the trash

-Kristin Finnicum, Kait Burton, & Michele Kelly

26. Do anything that requires tools

-Kristin Finnicum & Briana Gil

27. Ask a man out first

-Emma Bigheart

28. Asking someone to a dance

29. Having say in a relationship

-Brittany Faye

30. Be sexually active//sleep around//want sex

31. Anything that requires heavy lifting

-Kait Burton, & Sarah Waller

32. Fix a toilet

-Kristin Finnicum,& Sarah Waller

33. Help someone on the street

-Sarah Waller

34. swear

-Sarah Waller & Kelsey Farris

-"It's not ladylike. If something is fucking ridiculous, it's fucking ridiculous. Nuff said."- Sarah Waller
-"I've been told I don't respect myself if I swear."- Kelsey Farris

35. Sit with my legs open

36. Not wear a shirt in public

-Emma Bigheart & Julia Matera

"Its suggestive and inappropriate to be topless"- Julia Matera

37. Wear 'revealing' clothes

-Emma Bigheart

"-I'll be "asking for it"
-I will have no dignity or respect for myself
-it's not ladylike "-Emma Bigheart

38. Pee while standing//outside

-Katie McGrath & Tamira Marshall

39. Keep my maiden name once married

-Julia Matera

"it's "wrong" or "weird" to keep her maiden name. Or *gasp* the husband takes the wife's name"-Julia Matera

40. Not wear a bra

"Free your boobs if you want to ladies!" -Morgan Mills

41. Stick up for me

-Briana Gil

42. Hold a door open

-Halie Ransom, Skylar Laughlin, & Briana Gil

43 Being interested in STEM

-Briana Gil

44. Like sports

45. Handle finances

-Kristin Finnicum

46. Open a jar

47. Be in the military

48. Read a map

49.Control my emotions

50. Raise a child on my own

"My Mom did and there was never a time I thought wow she needs a man so she can raise me better! Um no, there was one in the picture but he was pretty worthless. Women don't need a man to raise a child we are perfectly capable."-Morgan Mills

To all the wonderful ladies who have been told the can't or shouldn't do something because they are a woman, give them hell and do it anyways.

Two independent women trying to find a care about what society thinks we can't do.

SEE ALSO: Stop Telling Women To Be Lady-Like

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