There are many people who have helped the LGBTQ+ community get to where it is now. This is a very brief summary of only nine people (in no particular order) who have been a part of our equality. Everyone makes a difference no matter who they are.
1. Sylvia Rivera
Sylvia was a gay liberation activist and transgender activist. Her activism started during the Civil Rights Movement. Sylvia cofounded "Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR)" alongside Marsha P. Johnson.
2. Marsha Johnson
Along with cofounding STAR, Marsha was a founding member of the Gay Liberation Front. Marsha was a gay liberation and AIDS activist. She also was a publicly known drag queen.
3. Laverne Cox
Laverne Cox is an LGBT+ advocate. You may recognize her from the TV show "Orange is the New Black". Laverne has had many firsts and milestones within the LGBTQ+ community. She was the first openly transgender person to be on the cover of "Time" and "Cosmopolitan" magazine.
4. Ellen Degenres
Almost everyone knows of Ellen Degenres. As a comedian, Ellen brings people smiles and laughter. Her activism in all things she believes in is inspiring. Ellen has multiple awards the recognize her care for the community and bringing acceptance into society. After coming out on the "Oprah Winfrey Show" Ellen as continues to be a role model in the LGBT+ community.
5. Edie Windsor
Edie made huge milestones for the LGBTQ+ community as both an activist and member. You may know her name from the Defense of Marriage Act. This is where states could refuse to recognize same-sex marriages. This was a huge step for gay marriage. Edie also volunteered in many lgbtq+ groups after working for IBM.
6. Arsham Parsi
An openly gay man, Arsham Parsi worked for PLGO to help with HIV testing and also responded to emails from suicidal gay teenagers. Laws restricted Arsham to keep his work secret from everyone including family. He fled to Turkey when the Iranian police began looking for him and now lives in Canada.
7. Michael Sam
Michael Sam was the first openly-gay NFL player. You might recognize him from the NFL of Dancing With the Stars. Either way Michael's "coming out" during his NFL career was another huge step for the LGBT+ community. Michael also has lobbied against state legislators who were trying to pass bills that discriminated against LGBTQ+ people.
8. Dan Savage and Terry Miller
This married couple has had a huge impact on suicide prevention within teens of the LGBTQ+ community (one of them who happens to be me). Their organization "It Gets Better Project" is an amazing place for teens of the community to see stories that adult people of the community have to tell, and for them to see it indeed will get better.
9. Peter Tatchell
Peter Tatchell is human rights campaigner. Peter is well known for taking part in social rights movements within the LGBTQ+ community. He became a leading member of the Gay Liberation Front in 1969 until its ending in 1974.
This is only a brief summary of how they helped us get here today. Though we are not finished, we have come a long way.
Visibility is important. With the increase in suicide and self-harm within the LGBTQ+ community it is important to be visible for people to see they are not alone. I encourage you to read more into people in LGBTQIA+ history.