There are so many of these articles floating around on the Internet that I almost didn't write this article. However, the more I thought about this, the more I realized it was necessary.
Let me just start off with this: Thanks, mom. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for caring about me. Thank you for only wanting the best for me.
Moms are an enigma when you truly think about. They carry us in their wombs for nine(ish) months, and then spend all of their time, money, and energy on us thereafter. They happily do all of this and never complain. They work, and work, and work, and love us more than words can ever describe. I think it's safe to say that our moms deserve MUCH more credit than they are given.
Why then do we take all of this together? We get annoyed with them, we have disagreements, and we all have our own lives and own problems. Should that be an excuse? Should that give us a license to not treat the one person who loves us more than we love ourselves like she's gold? I don't think it does.
Our moms have the hardest, but most rewarding job in the world. They are also the bravest souls on this earth. Moms, I don't know how you do it. There are constantly things that need to get done, appointments to take the kids to, homework to help with, and memories to make, and I honestly can't even imagine how you all manage to get it all done. Beyond all of this, I know our moms wouldn't have it any other way.
And then there's the relational aspect of being a mother. You're there for us ready to dry our tears and make us feel better. You're always there to answer the phone when we just need or want to talk. You're there with the medicine when we're sick and you're there with the ice cream when we've had a bad day. Thank you for that. You're intentional with us. You challenge us. You push us to be the best people we can be. You have high expectations for us, and you expect us to meet them. Thank you for that.
Everything we have, we owe to our mothers. Thank you, Mom. You don't get enough credit.
"All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." —Abraham Lincoln