This isn't your typical story about a psycho roommate who makes your life a living hell; in fact, this is the complete opposite. I'm really not so sure how I got so lucky, because for a person who makes impulsive decisions, the outcome isn't always positive.
I met my roommate last semester at our transfer orientation. It was the last day we could possibly go to sign up for classes, and we immediately bonded over how last minute we both were. We had mentioned how we wanted to move to Philly to avoid our commute, which was about an hour without any traffic (we all know how annoying the traffic coming into Philly is) and exchanged numbers.
Of course, we didn't text each other and honestly probably forgot that the other person even existed; that is until we showed up for the first day and realized we had a class together! Being a transfer student can be really difficult, especially when you are also commuting.
It was a big adjustment, but it was what brought us together, and we spent our free time in between classes getting lost on campus together.
Denise Hernandez
I'm not really sure how or when we decided to be roommates, but eventually, we just started looking for an apartment and next thing you know we were moving in, first time out of the house for both of us. We go exploring in the city, have wine nights watching chick flicks, and order food when we haven't gone grocery shopping in two weeks.
When a friend of mine passed away this semester, the night I found out she sat on the floor with me while I sobbed my eyes out. She doesn't judge me when I come home drunk and leave my shoes everywhere, and I don't judge her when she hasn't left her room in over 24 hours. We pop balloons when we're stressed and blast our r&b favorites when we're happy.
So, shoutout to my first ever roomie: thanks for not being a psycho, you are the best! xoxo