I wanted to write an article and incorporate my fitness endeavors into it. In this article I will be sharing some ports about health and wellness along with my daily workouts.
By far one of my favorite body areas to work out, the back, is a part that I can really see improvement in. Also when these muscle groups get sore it's not really a big deal, compared to sore legs, which makes everything a chore.
Before I begin my workouts I like to get a good warm up in, usually it involves running at least a half mile before lifting anything. A warm-up is crucial to a good workout, just getting the blood flowing is beneficial to whatever muscle group you are going to workout. Although I mention a warm-up run, there is a fine line between warming up too much...Don't go out and run a 5k then decide you want to go lift. The idea behind a warm-up is nothing more then just loosening the body, not to waste all your energy before the workout has actually started. After a run I usually grab a 5 Lb plate and do some external rotator exercise followed by some I guess you could call them "windmill" arm swings. I'm not sure what exactly you would call them but I'm sure you get the idea. Along with a warmup run I take some pre-workout powder called C4 just for an extra boost.
Back and Biceps workout:
*Warm-up 5 min run with static stretching
continued warm-up: 2 sets still failure of pull up (underhand grip or forehand grip)
*warm-up with 10 reps medium weight
2x8 (really focus on good form here)
1x6 (keep good form but work on pushing yourself)
1x4 (move into heavier weight here)
Find one rep max to end off deadlift
Bent over barbel row:
3x10 (personally use a 45 on each side)
3x10 reverse grip
Seated row:
3x10 (slow motion with good form)
Dumbbell curls:
-superset with barbell curls
Reverse curls:
This is going to blast those forearms making it a good exercise to end on
-Run another mile at a slow pace
- Do 3 or 4 ab exercises
- Finish with 3 sets of 10 burpes