I was so nervous. Going into this interview, I knew that I needed to be admitted into this program. Costco, you know the place with the endless samples, has a great program for college students. If accepted, the students are offered work that pays well every summer and extended breaks from school. With that being said, getting this job meant that I never had to come home from school again worried about finding employment. I really wanted this job, and I’m so happy to say I got it, along with a funny story to tell.
My mom, Emily, and I had just sat down for lunch at this little Mexican food restaurant. I hadn’t seen my mom in a couple months and she had flown down to help move me out of my dorm and bring my freshman year of college to an end. I wasn’t expecting a phone call from anyone. When my phone did indeed ring, with an unknown number with my area code from home, I was SURE it was a sales call. At the time, I seemed to be getting a sales call about 3 times a week for some reason. I answered my phone with a “hello” that I hoped would scare off anyone who interrupted my meal. The woman on the line said, “Hi! Is this Isabella?” and (while still dead set on this being a sales call) I said in an even harsher tone than before, “whose calling?” and the kind lady on the phone replied with “Oh this is Tracey from Costco, calling about your application.” I wish I could somehow describe to you how horribly rude and mean I initially sounded. I had no clue my future employer was calling me. Thankfully, the gracious woman saw humor in my mistake as I explained the amount of sales calls I get and somehow she still decided to give me an interview.
After about a week of shuddering in embarrassment every time I thought of that phone call, it was time for my interview. At least, I thought it was time for my interview. On the phone, I was positive Tracy had said next Tuesday at 11 but I could've been wrong, I could have been still in shock of my own rudeness. Nonetheless, I showed up at Costco 15 minutes early, ready to redeem myself! I did get to meet Tracy that Tuesday at 11, however it was only so that she could tell me that my interview was instead the following Tuesday.
So far, Costco: 2 and Isabella: 0.
I didn’t even know why I was going, having royally messed up twice, but off to Costco I went on the following and correct Tuesday, at 11. I was brought into a little backroom and sat on a foldout chair in front of two managers for my interview. I was extremely nervous up until this moment but once the questions began I began to relax. One thing I know I am good at is being me. Which means that I look people in the eye, shake hands firmly, speak up, and say the first thing that comes to my mind. After about six or seven questions, the two managers told me that I was free to go and that they would call me within the week if I made it to the next interviewing process. I thanked them and walked out the door thinking that those two had the best poker faces I had ever seen, because I had no idea if I was the kind of person they were looking for.
Almost out the door, I heard my name called. I turned around to see the one of the managers had ran after me and was catching her breath. She had chased me down to tell me that I was a “spectacular” interviewer and that they wanted me to stick around to meet the head manager. I was in complete shock as they led me to the staff lunch room to wait for my next interview.
As I sat in the waiting room, I picked up a conversation with a guy who was sitting across from me eating lunch. We made the usual small talk about where I went to school and what I was studying, and then he followed it with the fact that he had a niece and nephew at the University of Montana and another niece at Montana State. Just as I was thinking about how I knew two people who went to University of Montana and one to Montana State, he mentioned that his nieces and nephew were triplets. Oddly enough, I grew up going to school with a set of triplets who moved to Montana. Turns out, I was sitting across from their uncle. Before we could both appreciate how crazy it was that we were able to figure this all out in a matter of minutes, I was pulled out of the lunch room for my big interview.
The interview with the main manager went somewhat like the one previous. A part that I found funny was, he asked me why I wanted this job and I answered, almost bashfully, “to make money.” I know that wasn’t what employers usually want to hear, especially for a program like this that tries to get college kids interested in Costco, and bring them back once they get their degree. When I gave him my answer, he laughed and told me that he respects my honesty and he too likes to make money. After a series of questions and paperwork, he offered me a job. I was ecstatic and completely surprised. As I sat at his desk talking while skimming over more paperwork on what my new job entitled, he asked me why I graduated from Hockinson High School, when I live on Evergreen Hwy. I told him that I used to live in Summer Hills (a neighborhood in Hockinson) and that I had recently moved. That is when he told me, that he actually had recently moved to Summer Hills from Evergreen highway! It was just so bizarre, had one of us not moved, we would have been neighbors.
That was by far the weirdest Tuesday I had ever had. I went into it with little confidence and two mistakes but came out of it with a job and a few crazy scenarios that made for a good story to tell this week.I know that I won’t be placed in the phone answering department any time soon, but I have to say that I am excited to start my new job.