I was always told in high school that college was the time to find yourself. Well, I found myself at a Christian school where finding yourself and finding your soulmate seem to be one in the same. This is hard for someone like me that has always seen the bigger picture. I knew walking into college who I was.
I was the popular band and theater kid from a high school where those were two of the best clubs to be involved in. I knew that I had graduated at the top of my class, but that did not mean that college would be easy. I was leaving home for the first time and leaving behind all of those labels that had been given to me in high school. I had only dated one person in high school and that relationship did not really count. I had never been the girl that all the guys were chasing after but, I didn't want to be.
I was me and I was okay with that.
I walked into college with that same expectation, even though it proved to be a little harder to not notice some of the guys. I kept my head down because I did not have time to focus on finding the love of my life, if God wanted me to meet him here then it would be fine, but it was all in God's timing, not mine. I was content with that, unlike most of my friends.
After a few failed attempts at trying to hang out with guys, some of their mindsets changed as well. I am not focused on finding the love of my life, I am focused on falling in love with myself. I am willing to wait 50 years to truly fall in love if that is what is planned for me. (God is probably laughing right now because knowing my luck, I will end up meeting this person tomorrow.) I do not need to find the one because I know that they are out there somewhere and I pray that God shows them how to love me. And trust me, that may take a lot of time, but I can wait.
Someone once said, "she wasn't looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword." I believe this quote kind of describes me. Until the timing is right, I will be looking for that sword to fight my own battles.