Let's be realistic, most of us don't have the guts (or the money) to pick up and reinvent our lives in some far-off paradise we've thought up. We have too many things that keep us tied to the lives we live now. When the bad things that tie us down start to outweigh the good is when life can get overwhelming. You wish you could just fix all of the "problems" in your life in one day and you can't. But don't let this thought defeat you. There is a way to reinvent your life subtly— piece by piece, day by day.
No, it's not an exact science or magical formula to complete and utter happiness, it's actually really simple: Do more of what makes you happy. Every day. Yes, it's obvious. But we need the reminder. All too often we allow things that make us unhappy to creep their way into our lives and build up until all of a sudden it hits us: We're unhappy. Nothing feels right and it's a crisis that's impossible to fix so we just stay unhappy.
Instead, do more of what makes you feel truly happy and alive. Not just in the moment— I'm talking about the things that leave you happy at the end of your busy and distracting days when all you have is yourself and your own thoughts to focus on. Do one thing each day, just for your own enjoyment. Take a walk, drive out to that view you love, read a chapter of your book, listen to music and dance around your room... even if you only have 10 minutes.
It's so important to find time for little enjoyments when your busy schedule seems to be running your life and engulfing all the time you used to spend on the things you did just because you loved to do them— not because they rid you of a negative or promise you a paycheck. Start every morning with that reminder and you'll live a truly happy life.