Just a couple more weeks of pushing through and all of us college students can finally go home and eat probably the best home cooked meal we have had in months. But before everyone rushes home, be sure that you and your family are all on the same page about what you are comfortable talking about and what subjects are better left unsaid.
1. "How are your grades?"
This is number one for a very obvious reason. After the student in your life struggled to complete all the assignments, papers, and projects to make it home for Thanksgiving, the last thing they want to talk about is what those particular grades are.
2. "Have you found anyone special yet?"
I am a little, and by little I mean extremely, too busy to worry about bringing someone home to meet the family.
3. "Do you still talk to (insert any name here)?"
I just came here to eat food, not slice open old wounds.
4. "Who did you vote for?"
For everyone's sake, don't bring it up. It's bound to get someone upset or make someone else leave.
5. "Have you made any new friends?"
Just like finding a significant other, as much as I would love to have hundreds of friends, homework doesn't always let that happen.
6. "Have you bought any Christmas presents yet?"
No time for work means no time for money. Living from paycheck to paycheck is always fun.
7. "Have you been going to church?"
Awkwardly tiptoes away to the kitchen where grandma is making food.
8. "Who was that boy/girl in your Facebook profile?"
Either some random person who photobombed or someone not worthy enough yet to meet the family.
10. "Did you hear about (particular political event)?"
For the love of God do not bring up politics at Thanksgiving! No one is happy and it's not like it changes anything.
11. "Your cousin just did (insert amazing thing)"
Slides underneath table and begins to contemplate if my achievements match up to everyone else's.
So if you do not want the college student in your life to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or angry, try your best to avoid asking these questions. Instead, remind them about how happy you are to see them. It has been a while, after all.