I don't do the standard Thanksgiving.
Every since I was little, my family has never eaten the big Thanksgiving feast. The only time we would whip out some corn, stuffing, and jellied cranberry sauce was if my grandparents came into town. I'm not saying I won't eat the standard dishes, however the picky eater I am shines through and I end up stabbing the food with my fork.
If I were to pick and choose from the standard dinner which dishes I would prefer, it would be mashed potatoes, the rolls and mac & cheese (if that's a dish at your house, it's never been one at mine). So if you didn't catch that, it's carbs, carbs and carbs. Because of that reason and more, maybe it's best I don't consume the Thanksgiving dinner. When it comes to my immediate family, my father is the only person who enjoys the standard dinner. For hours upon hours of preparation, feeding one person isn't worth it.
Instead, my family mixes it up every year. In years past, the four of us (my mother, father, brother and myself) have had pizza, Chinese, lasagna, an a ray of appetizers and possibly any other meal other than turkey and ham. And to be honest, I am completely okay with that.
This year, my family is having the Thanksgiving dinner and I am hesitant. The only reason for the change of meal is that my boyfriend is joining us and so now my mother has two people to cook for instead of just my father. I know most people go home and spend time with family all around a large dinner table of turkey, stuffing, corn, potatoes of some sort, green beans, and pumpkin pie, but I am not used to that. I think the reason that is, is that I don't have extended family that live close by. A part of me thinks that if i lived in the same state as my uncles and aunts and cousins and grandparents, then I would be accustomed to Thanksgiving.
Regardless, I think Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family. School is let out and all family members have at least one day of coming together. When I was younger, my mother would create "turkey games" for my brother and I. These "games" included pin the feather on the turkey, cowboys vs. indians, turkey waddle race, and so it was practically the second version of the Olympics.
I like the idea of Thanksgiving, but the novelty of the big dinner is lost for me. Just like any other holiday, it's up to the family on how they decide to celebrate time together. And that is something that will never be considered standard.