I am not the same girl that I was last year. And I am completely and utterly thankful for that. A year ago, I was stuck in a relationship with someone who constantly brought me down and tried to control my every emotion and action. A year ago, I was in a new place but afraid to branch out and meet new people, so I felt virtually alone. A year ago, I didn't like the way I looked at all and I didn't like the way I presented myself. A year ago, I wouldn't have imagined myself where I am today.
Life isn't about staying constant. Life is about change and ups and downs and different experiences. Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, is quoted as saying "change is the only constant in life" and bless his soul, he couldn't be more right. Looking back at my life a year ago, I now see that I was unhappy and I'm glad that I am no longer living that life that I once embraced. So if it's so clear to me now, why wasn't it back then? Why did I subject myself to that lifestyle?
It's easy to find comfort in familiarity. It's easier to stand by what you've known than to leave it all behind and face new challenges. Maybe this is why I let myself be unhappy with my life for the longest time. I was too afraid of losing what I had known to be true because I didn't know what lie ahead. I was afraid that the life I was living was my final destination and my destiny and that if I abandoned it all, I'd have to start from square one. Lemme tell ya, square one is a blessing in disguise.
I finally broke off that relationship and started branching out. I was crushed for the longest time because I thought I'd made a huge mistake. Boy, was I wrong. I finally felt as though I was able to talk to people freely without feeling guilty or feeling like I was being selfish for giving other people my time. I've now found so many people around me who I love being around. If I'd never let myself grow and expand my horizons, I wouldn't have found any of them, so I am truly thankful.
Today, I am extremely confident and love myself. I'm not the weight I'd like to be, I'm not as tan as I'd like to be (although I don't think my pale skin will ever change), my hair isn't exactly the color I want, and my makeup skills are subpar. But none of that matters because I am still changing and growing. I love everything about myself and I embrace who I am now and look forward to the positive changes that come in the future.
So, I am not the same girl that I was last year. I'm so much happier and confident and I love life so much more. Maybe it's not apparent to anyone else; I probably look the same and tell the same cheesy jokes, but I feel different. I've learned that you don't owe your life to anyone but yourself. Don't dictate your decisions to benefit those around you and don't feel stuck because change is scary. We should all welcome change and embrace what the future has to offer us, and keep moving forward.