Not The Average Roommate "Sisterhood" | The Odyssey Online
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Not The Average Roommate "Sisterhood"

From the girl who grew up an only child

Not The Average Roommate "Sisterhood"
Isabella Duenas-Lozada

Dear Roomie,

I never had a sister. I've had best friends, cousins and a dog. I loved my friends, but there was something about living and sharing my life with someone my age that seemed really swell. A sister would mean someone to go on adventures with, someone to join me when I stuffed my face after midnight, someone to share secrets with, but also just someone to hang out with all the time. When I eventually found out college = roommate (I was nine), I was pumped. I only had to wait nine more years to have a sister. I waited nine years for you. You challenged my whole sisterhood fantasy, and showed me what it's all about.

In my daydream, my sister was exactly like me: I was never into the fashion scene, my face scrunches up whenever someone comes near me with a makeup brush in hand and my eyes widen with horror whenever someone asks me to go shopping with them. You are my opposite. Every morning, you wake up (on time) and do this wizardly makeup routine that I couldn't do in a million years. You could slay a runway in your daily outfits (I wonder why you're not a fashion major sometimes), and your online shopping sprees are always exciting to witness (except for the time when your package never came). Our differences are definitely prominent, but not as much as our similarities. Our mutual love for food and cheating on diets keeps us together. I'll always be there to make health pacts with you, and I'll still be there the next morning when you eat double the serving size of the Wednesday breakfast and I drown my omelette in hot sauce. Whenever you're grooving to Justin Bieber, I'll be bopping my head to the beat. He has good songs, I'll admit it.

When I talk to some of my friends at college, they talk about the "sisterhoods" they have developed with their roommates. This relationship basically consists of sharing their closets, going out together every weekend, saying things like "we're practically twins!!!!," being together every moment of the day, and it's kind of like they're dating or something. They seldom argue or disagree on anything, and then I think about us. Ooooooh, us. If a jar was filled with a dollar every time we disagreed on something, we could afford taking out the Zipcar to go to Dunkin every day. You have shown me a better world. We could scream each other's names at the top of our lungs and laugh five seconds later. We could give each other random silent treatments throughout the day, but still laugh about anything over dinner. When we're bickering and one of us says "fight me, I dare you", you know someone's going to end up pinned down on the ground, and I know it will most likely be me (I have scratches to prove it). There was that one time when you threw a starburst at my eye by accident (or was it?) and then when my eyes started watering, you started apologizing profusely and saying, "Don't cry, you can hit me back and I'll give you more candy." Sometimes I get really annoying and you'll get sassy, and then get sassier when I call you out on it (that's my favorite). We have plenty of these little moments when we feel like killing each other, but those don't compare to the best moments we've had. My craziest college memories so far have happened with you, for the most part.

You were the first roommate I actually interacted with in person (my inner nine-year-old was screaming), and I've only gotten happier each day with you in my life. Sure, we've hit plenty of bumps, but what roommates haven't? You were there when this once tomboy needed some fleek makeup for her student government speech, and I have all the selfies to prove it. You were the one judging me a little when I met up with a guy from Tinder, but still listened to my crazy story afterward. We keep each other's secrets, and you're the first person I tell everything to. You've always been there to push me at the gym, and you're probably the reason all those burritos haven't caught up to me yet, so thank you for that. Thank you for laughing at most of my jokes and being such a great part of my freshman year experience at college. Most importantly, thank you for still getting in the car with me despite my chaotic driving skills.

In the beginning of the year, I had no idea what to expect from living with another person, let alone living in a triple. Being an only child, I thought I had my own pretty clear idea, but I was wrong. Despite being wrong, I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. I love you so much, even though I don't say that often. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. And I'll definitely straighten your hair next time you ask.

Much love,
The Weird Roommate

P.S: I'll always be the Dee to your Cher #Clueless #Ahh

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