I am not usually one to be very religious, but this week I attended church. The Gospel was about vanity, about how people invest too much into material things. That got me thinking. I love makeup, clothes, purses, and shoes as much as the next girl, but does that make me vain? In the Bible’s eyes, yes, it does. I don’t agree with that. The defining factor that saves you from vanity is how much you love. While I enjoy my material things, I love other things too. On the ride home from mass, I began to make a list of things I will not take for granted:
1. My family and friends
You’re only as good as the company you keep, and thankfully I have the best company around: my loving mother, my caring brother, my goofy boyfriend, my friends and cousins who are just as weird as me, and my kind grandparents, aunts, and uncles. I love my family and my friends dearly. I would do anything for them. I believe I might have taken them for granted in the past because I thought they would always be here, you never know what can happen. Every day, I am going to make it a point to tell my friends and family how much they mean to me, and how grateful I am to have them in my life.
2. My home
While it has been an adjustment, I am grateful my grandparents took in my mom, brother, and I. I can’t help but think where we would be if we didn’t have my grandparents’ kindness to watch out for us. I never fully appreciated a warm bed and a dry roof until it was taken from me, and now that I have one again, I will always be grateful.
3. My education
I am blessed to be attending a four year university, and I get the opportunity to study what I love. Not many get this experience. Sometimes I am ungrateful because of the difficulty of the curriculum, but I must remind myself, I’m one of the lucky few. In about 3 more years, I will walk away with a diploma and more knowledge than I could ever have hoped for.
4. My job
If you know me, you definitely know I complain about my job. Working a minimum wage (that is still $8.25/hour) dealing with the public is not my favorite past time. I do not appreciate being yelled at for the company’s policies, or getting reviewed by how many emails I receive, but it is a job, and it is getting me through school, with a little extra money for fun.
5. My experiences
People who spend their money on experiences rather than material things tend to be happier. I am grateful I get to go to at least five concerts a year. I attend festivals and fairs with my family. I get to hike at Starved Rock. I get to visit family in Alabama and Colorado where I can whitewater raft, kayak, hike, cliff jump, zip line, ski, and much more. I have gotten to compete in Track. I am a Junior Olympian in Tae Kwon Do. I am a published writer. These might have seemed like no big deal to me at some point, but I realize how amazing all of these experiences are and I am truly blessed.
6. My voice
If it weren’t for my voice, I wouldn’t be able to share this article with you. I wouldn’t have been able to share any. I wouldn’t be published, and I wouldn’t be able to make a difference. My voice and my writing comes naturally to me, and since it is so easy, I don’t realize how much of a gift it is. Writing is second nature, and I am forever grateful.
7. My life
It may not be the greatest always, but it is the only one I’ve got. There was a time I considered throwing it all away, and I am so glad I didn’t. My life turned around and I don’t think I have ever been happier. If life didn’t have any ups and downs, there would be no sun rises and sets, no tides, no no heartbeats. It may not be perfect, but it is mine. I’m going to make the most of it.
There is so much more that I am thankful for: puppy videos, cinnamon rolls, lilacs, driving with the top down, sunshine, the stars, poetry, and many, many more. Life is amazing when you realize the beauty of it. I do not live in vain. I have a great appreciation for my life and everything in it. I will never take it for granted.