6. "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" | The Odyssey Online
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13 Movies To Watch This Spooky Season If Getting Spooked Isn't Your Cup Of Tea

Believe it or not, not everyone likes getting the snot scared out of them for the entire month of October.

13 Movies To Watch This Spooky Season If Getting Spooked Isn't Your Cup Of Tea

October is finally upon us which means that the Halloween season has begun. Everyone is prepping for spooky costume parties, haunted houses, corn mazes, but most importantly, scary movie marathons. If you know me, you know that even though all of my friends LIVE to get the daylights scared out of them, I will have no part of it whatsoever. I find no pleasure in getting scared or being spooked to any degree whatsoever. Sometimes it's hard for me to include myself in these scary social outings. While I can't help anyone not be scared while going through a haunted house, I can provide a list of Halloween movies that are not focused around jump scares and gore. So when you hear your friends want to get together and watch some scary movies, make a request to watch one (or all) 13 of these not-so-scary films!

1. "The Nightmare Before Christmas"

While some people may argue that this is a movie that should be saved for the holiday season, I would say this is definitely made to be watched during the spookiest part of the year. The scariest thing about this movie is Tim Burton's claymation and even then, it's not anything that will traumatize you like most horror films being released!

2. "Halloweentown"

If you have yet to watch one of the best Disney Channel Original Movies, please expose yourself to a key part of my childhood. I promise you will not get the snot scared out of you since this movie was made to be watched by the whole family!

3. "Coraline"

This is another work of art made by the wonderful Tim Burton. While this movie may not shake you to your core, it will definitely creep you out the right amount.

4. "Hocus Pocus"

You don't want a spell cast upon you, correct? If so, watch "Hocus Pocus" and enjoy the tale of three witches and their humorous adventures!

5. "The Addams Family"

Everyone's favorite spooky and kooky family is the Addams family! If you aren't pleased by the storyline (which I'm sure you will be), you'll definitely walk away with a killer theme song stuck in your head. *SNAP SNAP*

6. "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"

This film is great for people of all ages and people with the lowest tolerance for scary things! "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" is a heartwarming and silly story about the Peanuts gang and their trick-or-treating shenanigans.

7. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

If you have children or young eyes around you, I highly suggest waiting to watch this classic movie-musical until they go to bed. This raunchy and hilarious tale follows two lost lovers who find themselves spending the night with a "sweet transvestite from sensational Transylvania" and all of their housekeepers.

8. "Beetlejuice"

If you love this movie, say "Beetlejuice" three times and he will appear and won't leave your side until this scary season is over.

9. "Casper"

Everybody knows that Casper is the friendliest ghost you can meet. Therefore, the 1994 movie about him will be nothing but smiles and laughter.

10. "Ghostbusters"

If you ain't afraid of no ghost, hit up your preferred streaming system and watch the Ghostbusters save the city!

11. "Labyrinth"

America is still heartbroken over the loss of the great David Bowie. Let his legacy live on in this crazy adventure film where he, as a goblin king, possesses the power of the babe and guides a mortal through his twisting and turning labyrinth.

12. Any of the "Harry Potter" films

Magic? Check Humor? Check. Beating the Halloween scaries with the best freaking movie series of all time? Check.

13. "The Black Cauldron" 

As a child, this movie definitely gave me nightmares. However, now that I am older, I am only somewhat rattled by my childhood trauma when I watch this Disney classic.

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