If no one has told you recently, I am so incredibly proud of you.
"You're not going off to a university? You're not joining a sorority? You're not moving into a dorm? Doesn't that make you sad? You have to go to college, why aren't you?"
These are the questions that still have not ceased even though I'm already in my first semester of my freshman year of college. At a community college! Go ahead, take a second to gasp... I know, at times I can't believe that I chose a community college over a university. Besides the fact that they're just as good and work with your life schedule and aren't as expensive and should I keep going?
My intentions are far from ragging on universities. In fact, my heart and soul ached for quite some time at the fact that I wouldn't have the experience of most college girls who go off to college, get a dorm with a roommate, and join a sorority. Then it ached a little more when I got on social media to see all my friends getting to experience just that.
BUT, sometimes life happens.
Not everyone has the chance to go to a university. Some have to stay in order to work full time, in order to pay bills, in order to have a car and a home and food.
Maybe you have to stay at a community college so you can work. Or maybe because you are a mother. Or maybe because it will just be so much cheaper. For whatever reason your life isn't at a university right now, God knows why. He has the ultimate say, regardless of what we think we want our plans to be.
My entire life, I thought I would be that girl. The one that moved into her dorm last month and started her freshman year of college at Oklahoma State University. A year full of firsts and festivities and fun. But as the story goes, God decided He had a different plan than I did. My heart still aches at times and wants to hurt, but I have to turn that into rejoice that God is in control and He knows better than I. Lord only knows how my life would be going based on my plans, let's be real.
So to those of us that chose a community college, for whatever reason, don't you dare for one second feel ashamed of your choice. You hold your head high and be proud that you are getting an education amidst having a full time life outside of school. Remember why you're doing it. Remember how much it will be worth it. Remember that you can do it.
Don't ever let anyone steal your joy of choosing to get an education, when you have so many other things pulling for your attention.
You've made it this far. You can do it. You can do anything.