Every year it's the same.
"201_ (insert year here) is going to be my year! I'm going to get in shape!" "I'm going to stop eating ___ (insert delicious processed food here)!" "I'm going into the new year without people who hold me back!" "I'm going to try taking up ___ (insert ridiculous and impractical activity here)!"
I'm not trying to be ridiculously cynical here. The intent is positive, and for some people, New Years' Resolutions are fantastic. But why pressure yourself to hop on the bandwagon? How about pushing everyone else aside, and taking care of yourself? How about just saying, "fuck it?"
How about this for a (not-so) New Years' Resolution:
Make yourself happy.
Whether this means having that second slice of cake, or being reckless by staying out until 3am when you have to work at 8; or maybe even ending your gym membership because the pressure to be in shape was making you miserable. Maybe it even means quitting the job you can't stand.
Forget Society's expectations
Screw "social norms." Screw the idea that every plus size woman pines to be a size two. Screw the idea that working a soul-sucking cubicle job makes you a productive member of society. Screw the idea that everyone should be happily married and procreating by age 35. Fuck it all.
Just because the date on the calendar changes, doesn't mean you have to
If you're comfortable with where you're at in life, then that's fantastic! Ignore the idea that there's always something to improve on if you're content and happy with your life. Change isn't always a good thing.
Above all else, simply be kind
If you feel the undeniable need to make an effort to change something in your daily routine in the new year, make it to be more kind. That's one thing this world can never have enough of: genuine kindness. Remember that when you're flipping through article after article of what are supposed to be helpful tips on how to make the upcoming year a better one.
Happy New Year and stay rad, folks.