Whether you follow the lives of the Kardashians or not, you're probably no stranger to Kim's recent selfie that she posted on Instagram. The selfie, which features Kim K. naked with two black bars for censorship, "broke" the internet and sparked a crazy amount of controversy. Celebrities such as Amber Rose, Bette Midler, Bella Thorne, and Chloe Grace Moretz chimed in with their own opinions of the selfie. Several arguments and conversations ensued. While some had only positive things to say about Kim Kardashian, others felt differently. However, despite any negative reactions received, Kim K. explained how she is empowered by her body and that her selfie portrays that empowerment.
What really is the big deal about this selfie? People, celebrities alike, post racy pictures every day; this day in age, there isn't much we haven't seen. So why is it that Kim's selfie specifically is causing so much debate?
While a photo like this is not necessarily surprising or new, a person as famous as Kim Kardashian with so much influence and power in the entertainment world can't post anything without receiving some sort of backlash. Kim's every move, essentially, is being monitored. She can either be seen as a role model or be completely criticized and judged with one action. Therefore, anything Kim K. does is immediately acknowledged and seen by thousands of people.
That being said, many would argue that she would post such a selfie for attention-seeking purposes. Many would also argue that Kim doesn't care what anyone thinks, which is seen through her own words on empowerment and how she feels about her body.
This brings up the question: Is a "naked selfie" truly empowering?
It could be.
Supporters of Kim and this selfie would argue the importance of women having confidence and loving their bodies, as well as having the ability to show off their bodies in any way they please. This selfie could potentially give thousands of women the confidence to be themselves without caring about what others think or say.
This certainly makes sense; society has hyper-sexualized women's bodies for ages and constantly spreads contrasting messages about how women should present themselves and how they need to feel about their bodies. A supporter of the "naked selfie" may be a woman who is comfortable in her own skin enough to know that a naked body is just that -- a naked body. They may also believe that respect is not equated with how much clothing a woman wears and that a women's purpose in life does not reside in her body, the way she uses it, and the way it looks.
Does this mean that someone who does not support Kim's selfie doesn't believe those things?
Not quite.
While many people believe Kim's selfie is a step in the right direction for women, there are several who think otherwise.
This doesn't necessarily mean that they don't think women should love their bodies and feel empowered by them. People who disagree with Kim's selfie might argue that it is harmful for women and young girls; if the message is truly to be comfortable in your own skin, then a "naked selfie" might be portraying that loving oneself resides in body image and feeling comfortable enough to put your body out there. Many women can be comfortable in their skin and be happy with their bodies yet have no desire to show it off.
There is also the argument that a "naked selfie" is damaging to young girls. Of course there are going to be many people who look up to Kim K. and sexualize such a picture, potentially portraying a message to young girls that they should look a certain way and show off their bodies to gain a specific kind of of respect or attention.
Also, a non-supporter of Kim's selfie could argue that it is easy for someone as famous as Kim to post such a picture and preach positive body image and empowerment; she is already praised by many, seen as having the ideal female figure, and has had her personal life made public for years, meaning she is no stranger to positive and negative attention and has confidence through the roof. For others, it's most likely not that simple.
With all of this in mind and the knowledge of how controversial a "naked selfie" can be, it is most important to reiterate the importance of body confidence and female empowerment. Unfortunately, a picture like Kim K.'s will never exactly portray one specific message; it will only show what people want it to based on their own ideas of body image.
If there must be one definitive message, though, then it may be that women really should be comfortable in their own skin and portray their confidence however they please, making sure not to judge others for their own portrayal of that confidence.