I am not safe in my own home. I am not safe while walking around a college campus full of students trying to better their educations. I am not safe tutoring in an elementary school. I am not safe at a barbecue with my family. I am not safe at an album signing trying meet my favorite musician. I am not safe at a nightclub that is meant for nothing but harmless fun. Where am I safe?
I'm afraid the answer has become nowhere. You never know what is going to happen anymore. You never know who the shooter is. Unfortunately, you never know who is carrying a weapon. These people are walking down the street every day and you can see no difference between us and them.
A killer is a killer. Caucasian, African American, Mexican, Arab, Asian, etc., they are still a killer. Who cares what they look like or identify as? I'm more worried about the victims of the killer's senseless violence. I don't care to hear the killer's name or story. I care to read about and see the faces of the innocent people that were a product of that person's carelessness.
It used to be shocking to hear about a shooting. They were crazy and almost unheard of. How come lately that seems to be the only thing happening? Why are we not even surprised anymore?
It's okay to disagree with someone else, but it's not okay to be violent about it. Open your eyes. There is no chance that every single person in the world will agree on one certain topic. It is extremely coward to take the disagreement and turn it into murder.
According to massshootings.org, there have been 179 mass shootings so far in 2016. This is only the 164th day of the year. We have had more shootings this year than days, and I find that extremely disgusting. Not a single day has passed without a killing.
We are raising children in this world full of hate. When I was young, I could go out and play on the street with the neighborhood kids. Nowadays, you don't see much of that. How often do you see a kid playing in the street? Fear has taken control of our culture. There must be an end. We have to find a solution to this outrageous problem.
When we hear about a killing, it's almost seen as normal. THIS IS NOT NORMAL OR OKAY IN ANY WAY. When will this end?
I fear for my family. I fear for my future children. I fear for my friends. I fear for the United States as a whole. Big changes must be made.