My mom always warned me and my sister whenever we got in a fight. "If you two can't live together and get along when you LOVE each other, how do you think you're going to live with a complete stranger?" Mostly, I just shrugged it off. Future me would handle it, and that was that.
Only now, it is maybe two weeks before the school year starts, there's an overflowing bag full of dorm supplies crowding up my closet. Maybe the fact that soon, I'm going to be living close-quarters in a quad with three other girls who I barely know is causing my anxiety is teeth-chattering levels.
Make no mistake, I have talked to my roommates since being assigned to them and they all seem amazing. I even had the pleasure of rooming down the hall from one of them during my orientation for Temple University.
However, typing on my computer, surrounded by empty water bottles, week-old cups of orange juice, and my white work socks absent-mindedly perched in every direction, I realize how difficult this transition might be.
Now, I'd sooner swallow a cupful of ketchup before I admitted that any fights between me and my sister were my fault. I do recognize though that I can be passive aggressive at times, petty, and quick-to-judge. I can also recognize that my roommates might not have the same concerns as I do. I might like the bedroom light turned off at 10 p.m., while they might be night owls. Maybe they cannot stand musicals playing all day, while maybe I'm in my bi-monthly Hamilton phase.
One thing I learned from having a roommate most of my life is that living with another person may not always be easy, and that's not necessarily your fault.
You and your roommates might get along together swimmingly in the group chat, but quickly find each other with little to no connection when you finally meet at the dorm. Maybe move-in day is the first time you are meeting your roommates, and you guys are best friends almost instantly.
With all the unique experiences college students have with their roommates, it is not surprising to hear that anything could happen.
While it is tempting to spend every second leading up to your move-in date worrying about whether your roommate is going to like your hair, style, and personality, it is ultimately a waste of time.
We are all concerned about what the future holds for us, but you need to remember that whatever happens is okay. Not everyone's living experience will be the same. Just be yourself, communicate, and get excited for a great school year.