Recently I turned 20 years old which means I am officially no longer a teen. Scary isn't it? People seem to be expecting me to do more adult things like cook my own meals, which I do, or make my own doctor's appointments, which I don't do. I want to know who decided that 18 years old was a good age to start forcing people to be an adult. I mean most of us are still going through schooling, we have lived with a guardian for the past 18 years and here we are fresh out of high school expected to start making all these important life decision. Well you know what? I am not ready and I choose not to be an adult today!
I still ask my mom to make my doctor and dentist appointments, I don't know how to sew up a pair of pants or how to do my taxes. Is this knowledge magically gifted to me when I reach a certain age? Why do some of my friends know and not others? Are they more adult than me? I have to call my mom to help me fill out my shot records because I don't know when I am suppose to get certain shots. Now don't get my wrong, I love the freedom that comes with adulthood, watching Netflix till the wee hours, not having to eat vegetables every night or every week for that matter. (Don't worry mom I do eat vegetables, occasionally.) I liked being able to come and go as I please and not have to check in every few hours, and I even like going to school and having full control over my learning. I enjoy all of those aspects of being an adult but it is the rest of it that makes me want to crawl back under my blankets and never come out.
I think all of us are afraid of becoming adults because of all the responsibilities that come along with it. Even people who are already adults are just living out their fear. We want to remain in the days were our biggest concern was wishing we would just grow up already but now we are grown up and we just want to take it all back. We want back the days of playing in the streets until sunset and begging to stay out longer. The summers spent in the pool and the winters spent playing card games by the fire. We don't want to have to think about taxes, getting insurance, or finding a career. We want back our care free lives. We want to not have so much expected us and to not be constantly pressured into adult choices. I think all we really want is to be a kid again and that is okay. Sometimes you have to fall back on who you were to better who you are. So take a day, week, month or even a year off from being adult and go play outside till the sunset and beg yourself to stay out longer. You can always work on being an adult tomorrow.