I made some choices on the past
They render me "Not Qualified"
To spread a message
The hypocritical Christian
Is something I fear the most
I can't, won't, and don't
Claim to be perfect
Most times - I'm not even good
But would God use that against me?
Forgives me but - Refuses to use me
I believe in the God of Moses
Moses was an orphan - a murderer
Yet God choose the killer
To be a Fulfiller, performing miracles
Leading his people - making rivers
Flow red
The God of David
The God of the shepherd boy turned King
A terrible father and adulterer
From the start
Even with iniquity and wrong doings
We remember him as a man of
"The Gods own heart"
Mary Magdalene was a prostitute
Living her life - going the wrong direction
Matthew was a tax collector
Lowest of the low
Yet still
They both talked, walked and witnessed
Christ's protection
Did God choose the Pharisees
Self-righteous who were
Pompous and pretentious
Or did he choose cowardly Peter
And persecuting Paul to
spread the message
Of His redemption
These heroes in the bible
Leaned not on themselves,
But on God
Meaning God is - He is mighty
Can God use me?
A broken mess
Can God use her or him or you?
The answer is yes
God can and will use anybody
Even if the only time you touch the pew
Is in Christmas Day before
The potluck stew
God doesn't speak only to the preacher
He speaks to all who are willing to listen
God is in a different business
Believing in the Lord
Is not living a perfect life
Always doing right
It is letting His light shine in
He will take your broken last
And create a more hopeful future
Christ did not die for perfection
He died for the hopeless and sick
He served the lost and saved the sick
In the end
It is not about
Or you
It is about God
With Him it is never about
Who you are now
But who you will become