I'm not perfect and honestly, I'm OK with that. Please don't comment on my pictures or status updates and tell me how perfect I am or my life is. Perfection is a word that should only be used to describe God, cookies and Chick-fil-A. Perfection should not be used to describe a life you only see parts of or you are jealous of.
My life is far from perfect. I don't live a lavish lifestyle or constantly travel. I don't get to hang out with my family all the time. I don't get the best grades. I'm not sure if you know, but no one lives a "perfect" lifestyle. Not even Justin Bieber or Kim Kardashian live a "perfect" lifestyle. There's always pieces of people's lives missing, whether it be family, money, happiness or basic needs. Never wish for a lifestyle you only see parts of. Although you might not have it all, it's not a bad life.
Someone else should never be your "goal." Stop commenting on pictures of others and saying their life is your "goal." As I said, you don't know what it's truly like. Someone else's looks, body, car, home or relationship should never be your "goal." You are your own person; you can achieve your own goals based on who and what you want to be. (Check out this video by Sadie Robertson on "relationship and lifestyle goals.")
I'm not perfect. I'm quick to anger. I'm not the healthiest person. I change my mind too much. I'm OK with being imperfect because no one is perfect. People might look perfect on the surface, but that doesn't mean they're the "perfect person" on the inside.
I'm sure everyone has this idea or definition of perfection created in their head by someone, something or society. I'm sure everyone gets crushed about not being society's or even their personal definition of perfect. Although you don't reach the idea of perfection in your mind, you reach the idea of perfect in the mind that matters the most, God.
Although I'm not perfect, I am perfect in God's eyes. He created me in His image.
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." -- Genesis 1:27
Since I'm created in the image of God, I'm my own kind of perfect. Not only am I my kind of perfect, I'm God's kind of perfect. He took his time creating me into exactly what he wants me to be. If that's not your idea of perfection, then I don't know what is.
"You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." -- Matthew 5:48
No matter what your life is like, you are perfect. You are perfect in the best kind of way.